ofEffeEtnal Calling. S n c T.XIY, The adjunfts day of their glorious Coronation will appear, This is for the Nature of prnpms% their Glory and for the Adjunfts and Properties of it. they are admi- of glory. rable. t. Fire}, Its eternal Glory, it abideth for ever and ever. All the greateft out- wardGlory and :Pomp, is but like the burningof the Torch, Sic rranfit gloria mundi, but thereneeds no Mementoto heminemere , Thar. Iball We be with the Lord:for ever: Oh that phrafe For ever fhouldatIonifhus, What is forever? What is eternal glory ? After thou haft fate down and thought, and thought 4111, Eternity is, above thy thoughts. The fear of death is like fonA's Gourd thateateth upall our outward Glory. You are but glorious Gloe-worms that Thinefor a night;but glorious Flowers that préfently fade: Give meany world- ly glory, of which you can fay, it is eternal, that it is for ever ; yea menofthe greateft glory in this world have found it tobe like a fhadow, the longeft before the nightcome upon them. KingSolomonin all his glorywas notabove a Lilly, and a Lillies glory endureth but for a day, when cropt from its root. The Scri- pture faith, AFh24.a3. Agrippa and his wife came to the Court of Judicatory withgreat pomp, a ous)lic;n n hoc, it was a great fancy that prefentlypaffeth away 2. Secondly, This Glory os (piriruafandheavenly as Well as viRble. The glory of thebody is indeed vale, and Heaven is a glorious viGble. place, but yet that which is the greateft glory is Spiritual, the foul made holy. and perfeli; God who is the objePt of our glory is invifible ; and although it be difputed, yet manyconclude, that God is not feenwith the, bodily eye there, onely Christ becattfe of .his humanenature is So then, the greateft part of this glory is fpiritual and holy. And thus it is farre above the glory' of the world, which is in outward fenfible objecí}s, that tend only to a bodily and carnal de- light. If the Qpeen of Sheba-was fo overwhelmed to fee the external glory and pomp of Solomon, How can we be able 'to bear all that heavenly glory ? , 1. Thirdly,- This Glo y is foazsadand foli.d, it is that which hail, a trot., borrome. Tauical s ,t, The eternal tdrightof Glarj ; and.the Hebrew word for Glory fimi- fieth weight r So that theglory of believers is fubiantial and real, it s' II in- wardly and deeplçpoffeffe the wholeman; whereas if you look upon the out- ward gloryof cire wOrld, ithhut apuff; a bladder, an empty nothing. This is a true folid glary, which is accepted of byGod, to which he giver!) his wit- nell'e,' that it is true; What is it to have glory-among men, and to be abomina- ble before God ? What is it foi a while to have external pompin this world,and then God to esile thee oser of rite-drift to everlafting contempt and reproach? Thou glorieft in thy wealth, in thy beauty, in thy-honours, but what is this to the glory in Heaven? 4 La41y, This is an univ real and. entire,glory. There is nothing of glory to he delired which is not here ; In the .world all theirglory bath forcegall or other to bittet it. Homan had much.outward glory ,_yetbecaufe crolJ in- his ambition abouyvW ehaschai, all his glory did him no good ; Solomon that made it his bulineffe tohss'e all external happineffe, yet found a vexation and vanity in it. Noworl.d1 glory did everfatisfie a man," no more thenthe airor the winde will an hungry fìe?nack.: yetcbis heavenly glory is fo perfect and compleat, that there is nothing wmarte t; to'corrupt it;: andithath this admirable effefl that it.doth w.bohly fätisfae the delire, and yeterthes irtodelire it -More: they delire no otherhappihefs; no otherglory, they necio their centre, yetthey are never wehried, as theyrwereof theManna ; but this glory is as admirable, as ravifhing, as ever it wasat the firSt moment they enjoyed it. Thismay be greatly improved praftically." ; _c . Ofe T. Ufe. What,gbodrreafon is there for every finnercalled by Gods grace ro parr with