Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

.-- Ss cTAM Of Efeílual Ca!/ing. 671 union with Chrift, asalforegenerationandfanetification.ofournatures,andcle- &ion that is the bafis or the fcundatien of our calling. . But how may we make thefe things fure ? not in them felves, for the purpof ofGod ftands firm in its own felf. ThefoandationoftheLordJtandsfare, faith theApoftle, 2 Tim.2.19. And the gifts or calling of Godare without repentance, Rom.l t.29. But fore inrapedof our f Ives, that we may be upon good grounds confirmed in our own hearts, that we are fuch whomGod bath called or chofen. So thattheholy Gholl Both here blameall thofe who put their comforts and hopes upona ven- ture ; who maintain doubtsand uncertainties in their own fouls, about their e- ternal condition , that will not seek out for comfortable evidences herein. 2. You have themanner how this glorious priviledgemay beattained, bygiving diligence : and the rather by giving diligence ; which words do imply , that' unlefs we Let our main thoughtsand ftrength about this matter; unleffewe care.. fully fet our fouls to diftinguifh between true and falfe, we (hall never beper- fwadedupon good grounds. This text is much vexed in the controverfie be- tweenPapifis andProteftants: The Papilts denying this certainty ((inlet's fame few) and the Proteltants pleading ftrongly for it. And this textfeems tobe an impregnableplace for affurance. Thatits not only pofble,b'ut a duty in Chrifliant, to indeavour after anaforance Oiler?). oftheiraffelìnallcalling andeleE1ion. Theyare nottobring an ill report, as they did about Canaan, fuchGiantsand difficulties were inthe way, thatit could never be conquered; fothis affurance or certainty can neverbe bad, it willbreedprefumption, and eat out all humility and godly fear. It is not my intent to enter into the controverfall part, I (hall only laydown Come materiali particulars; and then thew you whatare thofc things that may begetthis affurance, thofeeffe&% that do neceifarily argue filch caries. And the rather, becauf formerly I treated more largely about the na- tureofit. Toclear thedo&rine confider, Firft, That when we fay abelievermay and Same paarricaue ought tobe alluredof hiscalling andeleRion, we docot mean no ifof hieown felf doBtine. hevoilahave thíedivine perfwafion. For thenmany ofGods own children would I, never have lain in fach uncomfortable defertions and darkdungeons as theyhave done, havingno light; crying out, theyhave no certainty, no affurance, oh they cannot believe, they cannot finde any comfort, but their hearts are like a barren heath, or a black hell ! They cannot, I fay, of themfelves come to this fare perfwafion, but it is the gift of the Spirit of God, Rom.8.16. The Spirit it Pelfbeareth witneffewithour,ÿirit that weare thefont of God. So thatDivinesufe to fay, thiscertainty limb in apraCticallfyllogifine, thus, Whofoeverbelieveth, repenteth, is heavenly minded, is tenderabout all fin, Thefe are called and ele- Lied; But I do fo, faith the gracious heart, inlightned and inabled by Gods Spirit, ThereforeI am called and ele&ed. Now thisAffumption, I do fo, the heart beingblindeor deceitful', could never truly make, without the help of Gods Spirit. Hence it is called the Spirit of Adoption Pent into our hearts, whereby wecry Abbafather. Oh then, till Gods Spirit thus Evangelizeth, as it were, and puts a filiali frame in us, we are afraid cf God, our thoughts are flavifh and defpairing,and wedefire tohide our feives from him ; but this Spirit ofAdoptioneolith out all tormenting fears, and cloth inlighten the minds, that wemay feethegood things God hath wrought in us. Hence is that exhortati- on,not to grievethe Spiritof God, becaufe it fealeth us to thedayofredemption, Ephef..4.3o. So then, as it is with the colours that are theobje&of the fight,. though theybe neverfo good, and vifible, yetif therebenolight, the eyecan-. notfee them Thus it is hero; thoughtherebe never fuck excellent graces, ,and though God bathwrought a wonderfall change in thee, yet thouart notable ea fee it, till the Spiritof God inablethee. Secondly, Tonactolptów,tbefoulofaptaa bo%4rational and flir tnallfnb. ä; f lane