Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

674 3. 4 N of EJelfnal Calling. S a c r. XII. thy graces, tbefe tend tomake a faddivifionbetween God and thy foul. Thirdly, Another way to prcfervc or obtain this afktrance, is, humilityand meekneffe,going outof oar £elves, avoiding all prefumption, all felf.rigbteotefnejJe, Thus the Apoftle, Wark cut your falvatioa with fear and trembling, Phila.: a. That is, withexceeding great humility and debafement ofyour lilacs. So that true affuranceis fo far from nourifhing carnali prefumption and finfull confi- dence, that is is builtupon theclean contrary, holy fear and trembling ; for al. though they be affuredofgrace in them,yet they do not ttull in this grace. Thefe two things differ as much as heaven and hell. Patel who wasfo highly affured that nothing could feparate him from the 1 theofGod, Rom. 8. And fpcakingof Chrift, he faith, Who lovedme, andgave bimfelffor me, Gal,;. yet this `Paul would not be found in his own righteoufne(le, but in that of ariasby faith. So then the godly rejoyce to fee filchteflimonits and arguments of grace in themfelves, but they put no confidence in them : They repent with an holy far and trembling : They pray, they hear with an holy fear and trem- bling. Fourthly, This affterance it obtained amipre/erved bya tender watchfnlneffea. gainfi all knownfn. For it beingfin only that feparatesbetween God and the foot, this only raifcth up the great gulf; therefore all witting and willing allowing °£this, isa direél dcfiroicr of all affurance : And herein this holy certainty is exprt fly difiingoifhed from all carnal! pref'amption, which makes a man have confidence and boldneffe, though in the confiant atomof all groffe and foul fins. They can live in all uncleanneffc, in all lulls of the flea), in all contempt andnegleft ofGod and his worship, and yet have as vehement perfwaions that their hearts are good, and that Chri(1 will fave them, as if they commuted no fuch fin ; oh therefore that way might bemade for Chrift by throwing away all fuch dangerousconclufions ! If Iregard iniquity in my heart, the Lordwill not hear me, faith `David. And the Apoil le faith exprefly, If ourhearts condemnna not, wehave boldneffe with Cod, r John 3. There is no mans heart, but it con- dcmncth him for many defef}s, and feverallfailings ; but he fpeaks of a condem- ning for the willing praflice of known fins. No marvell then, if thou com- pfa'nefl thou haft no affùrance, thou haft nocertainty ; for as long as there are tiefedefperate venturings uponfin, it cannot bebut continualt quakings fhould be upon thee. If Cain carry about with him guilt inhis confdence, no won- der if he fear everything willdelkroy him. David could haveno peace in his bones, while any fin lay unconfeflcd and unforfaken. Fifthly, Another way to obtain this is, To take heed ofgrieving the Spirit of God or quenching the motions of it, For Peeing it's the Spirit of God that witneffeth, and it is the Spirit that fealeth, Ifwe would have alfurance, we are tonourifh it, todo nothing that may refill andrepeil it. His office is to com- fort and tobring gladneffe into the heart. Now if thoueitherby rebelling a- gainft the motions of it, orby defpairing thoughts, Weft thisComforter ; thou takefl the ready way to makethy Pelf anundone man. Know then that as you are to hearken to Gods Spirit convincing of fin, and fanaifying the, nature, fo alfo fcaling and witneffing unto them the love of God. Thoughthe Spirit of God moved upon the waters atfiat, and í1i1! doth on godly forrow, yet not on forrow unbelieving, defpairing, and accompanied with hard thoughts of him. Sixtly, Ifthouwouldfl attain to this affurance, Acquaint thy 'elfwell with the Covenant oftheCof&el,nith theprecious promifesrevealed there, with the gracious condefcentiont of gods love in Chrifl, Many of the childrenofGod are kept in a doubtful! and perplexed ellate, becaufe they confider not the riches of Chrifts grace revealed in theGofpel ; They judgeunbelief anddoubting even a kinde of a duty,.and that todootherwife were arrogance. AsLuther faid, His foal hated that word Repent allthe while bewas a Papift, becaufe he thought there was