Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

S s c T. XII. OfEif.imalCritling. 6.75_ was nothing init,but bitter furrow and terror about fin;whereas when hènnd'er- floodtheEvangelical natureof it,and that it wasto be accompaniedwith faith in Chrit; and that nothing was more acceptable unto God, then believing in him, and tohave good thoughts of him as a father ; then the wordhe did run from, as Moles from theferpent,he tookup and imbraced. Oft ofrevere Reproof, of that horrible, prophane; and lupine negligence of Vfr; molt men in this point : Who'giveth all diligence to make their calling and fat- vationPure intheir own confciences ? whodothnot put it upona venture ? who doth not trul} all uponmiferable uncertainties? They that in matters of eftate by the Law, or in matters of their healthby phylick; will be fore to go upon good ground : In the mattersof Religion theynever enquire, they never leek to batch out things ; Ohwewould think,that Religionand a godly fear fhould make theeof no ret in thy bones; till thouknowet in what conditionthy foul Itands in towardsGod: Haft thounever heard;, Thatthe heart is deceitfulabove allrhings it will tell thee, thou doetrepent, when thoudoetnot ; thou loveft God, when thou doeltnot ; Andwilt thou till put offal) to tis, If I be caved, lbe Paved, ifdamned, I amdamned. ttittit,MOIStIA4/Attlttittt SERMON. E,XVIIs `Ihe Pbfibility and Duty .o Offitrance of our Calling denionfirated: ind the Nelms i*Phy _tome think a certain flfurance smiorble rpith .flnipers to the Wig-lions brought á- gáin.Ft it. 2Par. 1.10. Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to makeyour calling and eleaionfire. Ou haveheard of thepofíibility, yea, andneceffary duty, to endea- vor after thecertaintyof our Calling andEleftion ; as alfo, what arè thofe means,in the diligent exercife whereof, we mayexpel this pri- viledge : And for theclearer apprehenfroú of this,I ¡hall Anfwerone or two Objeftíons, by the difcuffionwhereof, the truthwill be more illufirious; as the file getteth off therit : For whereas there weretwo things in the Do- ctrine, Thepofbilityand duty of this holy certainty , we mayfiat guenon the potabilityof it, and then the duty~. Now in there thingsI íhall be brief, be- caule the matter bath been formerly morelargely handled: That thereforecer- tainty is not poffble;ainong other Obje&ions, I 11411 pitch upon one that is mot pratical, and that whichdoth motufually ob'ftrùa affurancê in the god- ly ; and that is, The Hypocrif :e and the deceltftil,íefa of the heart. For thuscommonly the Chrillian that is tender about his Condition towards GodObjet`.teth Rrrr a