S c T. XII. ofBffeSEual Callin, 677 tributed to Gods ; and that is, towitnefs with our fpirit, to real unro us; Its the fpirit of Adoption, fubduing thofe tormenting and favithfears about God, which make the foul fufpeft every thing, and tobe tolled ipand down like theuncertain wives, r Cur.2.12. We have received the fpirit of God, that in= might low the things that arefreely givenat ofGad; efpecially that is clear, a john 3-24. do then in th s doubt, we mull attend to a greater caufe then our own hearts, we mull confider, what great things that fpiritof God can do in our fouls : Nomannaturally can hatehis fin, can deny himfelf, yet the fpirit of God fanelifying, he is ready andwilling inthe work : So no man feeing the horrible depths of wickednefs in his own heart, can ever come tobe perfwaded ; but the fpiritof God can rebuke thefewaves and tempefs, and make all ferule and clear in the foul. The third general head is, From thefe place:Where the people ofGodhaveplain- 3. Jy declared their a(('urance: That therefore which the children of God have at- tained unto, mull needs be poffìble, andwe ought to immitate them in. Reze- kah is without queltien in this point, a Icings 20.3. Remember how I have walk- edbefore thee intruth, andWitha perfebl heart : Hedoth notfpeak this arrogant- ly, but humbly, making ufeof his frncerity, as a teftimony to confirm him in his prayer toGod. Now Hezekiahcould not make ufe of fuch an Argument as this, had be not been allured, that he was not deceived in what he uttered tei God: And thus Davidis often in bis F/slms, profeffiug his loveto God with hi whole heart, and the uprightnefs of his heart, which had been a vainbrago and finfuloftentation, if he had not known it had been fo. In the New Tefta- ment Paul is often (peaking of his affurance and confidence ; and left it might be thought he had this by immediate revelation, he fpeaks min theperron ofall believers, Thefpirit witnefftthWithourfpirit,Rom.8. and fo lohn,Weknow that Weknow, a John a. He doth not make this a peculiar privi!edge vouchfafed to force favorites,but fuch a mercy as all Believers are capable of. So when our Sa viour asked tome, If they did believe With their whole heart ; it bad been a vain queftion, towhich no mancould have returned any anfwer, if they could not be certain whether they did believe or no; and that man, who laid, Lord 1 be- litre, help my unbelief : He (hewed the certainty he hadof his faith in the firfi place, as theweaknefsof it inthe latter. Laftly, The general head I (ball end with is, the joy and tbankfulnefsthat 4^ ought to be in the people of God: Now what joy can there be, where the foul knoweth not, or doubteth muchof Gods love ? How canthe heart be inlarged to pralle God, for thole fpiritual mercies, which lindes them not in its feif? For joy, thechildren of God are faidToyoyin the Holy Ghofl,Rom.14. 17. and itscalled Vnrrpekable joy, full ofglory, r Pet.r.8. And can this bein a matterthat we know not whether it be ours or no ? Can we joy in thepromife,and yet doubt whether it be ours? Canwe rejoyce in ChriltJefus, and yet queftion whether he dyed for us ? And fo its for praife andthankfulnefs, Can any manbiefs God for tranflating him out of darknefs into light, forworking the fear of him in his foul, for the wonderfuland mighty changehe path made onhis heart ? Can the foul biefs and praife God, whenhe doth not think God bath indeed done thefe things for him ? Theft general heads may fuffice, to clear the poßïbility of it. I (hall give you alto a Reafon for ir, which is this, Supernatural habitsor prin- ciples of grace, do vitally and evidently difeovertheir allions analeffebls, as ration- al and animal principles : As the principleof love to God, of repentance for fin; do in thealts thereof manifeft themfelves fpiritually, as rational principles: So that asa ration-4 man, he knoweth the arguments he bath, he difcerneth his afts of reafon, hecan tell you he is of this judgement, and not of that : Thus it is with a fpiritual man, heperceiveth the faith in him, the love of God that is withinhim : Can the Animal lover finde fenfble loveburning within? and doth