Se Cr.XII. of EffeîW1 Calling. 679 ad deceived, this would bring groll'e Scepcicifm into the world ; no man could tell his own thoughts, his own affeftions, and there could not be fuch a thing as Truth in theworld. NOW theScripture peaks the contrary, r Cor. a. II. whatman knoweth the thingsof a man, five thefpiritof a man Within him? So that you fee, a man may know the things of his own fpirit. Again, if this were fo, thenno man could difcern hisDogmatical faith, as well as his faving faith; no man could tell whether be were a ProteRantor aPapilt, or aSo- cinian; for the heart being deceitful, as is objefted, I may think I believe Inch a point, and fuch a point, when indeed I do not; and fo the Acade- mical doubting fhall come in , Nothing is known , and nothing is be- lieved. But the fecond and full Anfweris, That indeed the heart re naturally deceitful, z. fill/ of guile and hypocrifie, bat when its fanttifiedandcenverted, its madefincere and upright : Its no longer as thole piftures that reprefentat a diftance fnch and fuch different Forms, but as a glafs, fincerely reprefenting the form of the vilage, if deformed, deformed, if comely, comely : Thus Nathaniel is laid to be a man, inwhom was no guile; and, Bleffed id the man, Pfal.; a. to Whom the Lordimputethno fin, and in Whofe heart there is no guile: Henceits called An upright heart, A fincere heart, and, Truth in the inwardparts: Although therefore there are Tome reliques of guile and hypocrifie in the godly, as of all other fins, yet for the main they are made fincere; and foall thatfell. flat- tery, and felt -love, is for themain crucified : And this indeed is the full An- fwer to that Objelion. Secondly, Whereas it is Paid tobe a duty, to this it may beObjeáted: Objetl:' That this Alfurance wouldprove a dangerous temptation, men would grow fecure, and carnally confident ; therefore as God keeps the hour of death, and the dayof judgement, tomaks us always prepared ; fo by the fameReafon, he fhouldkeep the knowledge ofour conditionfrom oureyea,that Co we might al- ways fear. To Anfwer this praliical Objeftion (for Iavoid all fpeculative and meer con- tlnefwa twverfal ones.) Firft, If the truth of Godand the Scripture is net to be maintainedor arena, becaufe eh?corruption of men will abufeit, we mull preach no divine truth atall; E vero nos nitverum, E bono noti nitbonum, No good or found truth clothpro- duce asits genuine effeft, any other then what is good but byaccident, and by reafon of thepoyfonous dilpofition in fomemen, theywill turn the fweeteft "flowers into poyfon: Paul did frequently preachthe graceof God in the Go- fpel, andCome hearersturned this into wantonnefs, fhall therefore no mention be made of thisgrace? if therefore force men, throughSatans delufions,think they have grace, when they have not, (hall not he that bath true grace be perfwaded of it ? if a man in a dream do verily think he bath fuch riches, fuch honors; (hall we conclude, that a man awake can have nocertainty whether he be in a dreamor no? Andfurther, by this reafon noman fhouldcontend carn- ally for the true Doftrineof faith; no man fhould infeparably adhere to the truthof God evenunto death, becaufe anHeretique who pertinacioufly main- taineth a damnable herefre,hemay beas confident as the Orthodox man: Should not the Ifraelites make a good ufe of the Manna, becaufe he that abufed found it corruptedtoworms. But Secondly, This Doftrine from its own nature, cannot bread anyarroz gance, or negleft of God and godlinefsfor many Reafons Firft, - Itsenelymaintainedandkeptupby humility and holy fear: So that whena man ceafeth to be humble, to have an holy fear of God, hiscertainty likewife eeafeth, even asthe lamp goeth out when the oyl is taken away: The ferret of the Lord is With them that fear him, faith the Pfalmiít, Plaint Secondly;