Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

68e offilarial Calling. See T. XII Secondly, It cannot breed arrogancy, for thefeexercifes of grace, are onely fignsand teftimonies of Eledionor Salvation, they are nbcaufes of it, or me- rit ; wherein then can the foul be puffedup. And Thirdly, Thefe gracious effects that are figns, they are not of our working, byourfree-will and power of nature: We are his workmanfhip created to good Work.!, Ephef. ao. So thatthe difcoveryof thefe effects, may indeed inlarge the foul mach to praife and glorifie God, but to fair up pride inus, there is nocon - fequenceat all. And Fourthly, Thefevery effects of grace, though not wrought by us, but by God, theyarenot purelygood and perfect, there is much drofs, andmany im- perfedions in them : So thatthe godly heart doth at the fame time rejoyce and debafe its (elf; it rejoyceth to fee the loveof God in the foul, but that this love is fo weak, fo languid and fainting , it doth alto grieve : It difcovers grace Indeed, and therefore is allured ; but it difcovers alfo thoufands of failings and insperfedions, and therefore is laid low : And yet further, though theybe in the heart, yet ofour (elves we have not eyes to difcernwhat God bathwrought for us, till he inable us ; fo that its Gods gift to be affured : How manydear children of Godwalk in darknefs, andwould give a wholeworld if they had it, but ró have this clearevidenceof Gods love to them, though foraday. Vfeof farther Exhortation, toprove and examine your feives, whether thofe vifiblecharacters of Chrill be in thee, or the marks of the Devil : See whatfruit ye bring forth, and thenyou may judge whether you are treesfor eternal burn- ing or no : Oh its a fign all is not well, when thou art unwilling toput thy felf upon the touchftone; its an argument there is guilt within, thou shalt finde thy fell to be fuch an oneas thou art afraid to think of; thou thinkeft, Ifcertainty beonely had inthe oft of filch means; then farewell my hopes, my evidence for heaven. Oh !who fayeth as David, Prove me, 0 Lord, and examineme, if there be any evilin me: And to all the former means, we may adde one main one, which is a fign that never faileth, If we love the brethren, ifwe love and delight in thofe that are godly; as Maidsdelight was in the Saints of the earth.: He that is not godly himfelf, cannot heartily loveone that is godly, becaufe 6militude is both a caufe and an effect of love ; and this is, when god. linefsis thecáufe of love, not his riches, his parts, hislove to thee,butthe holy imageof Godappearing in him. Salt MON,.