Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

SE C T. XII. of Efs}lual CalltNg. 681 QB. E.NrR..JS\...et. Qwr.tkih.ïfTS..t.eT.._rE,8SR.4=T:.J .....n.'..../ wr6p'sGryRrvGr vrF vv?- sC- pievr;ôs sGi 4Gr-èt1 SERMON CXVIII. TheAdvantages the Godly have by Affirance : Bow it may be knownfrom 7'refmption; withDire- Etions to the godly that want it. 2 P E T. 2.10. Wherefore the rather (Brethrsn ) give diligence to Make your Calling and Eleaion fare.,. THe polfbility and duty of this Affurance hath ken already, declared and proved ; as alfo thepradicallobjeetions againaa it, removed. I now come 111 toPhew the great advantage of this certainty. Where the godly heart bath thisholy sfforanteand perfwaGonwrought by Gods Spirit, there it bath ma- ny helps which the tempted foul wanteth. It is therefore good to propound them to you, that fo the profitableneffe of it in heavens way, may excite you to leek it. And firfa, Where there is certainty of this heavenly¡r iviledge, there risefoul is The advanta- mereinflawed and inlargedto love god. It's an affertionagainlf all reáfon and ex. ges that the pericncc, whichthe Papilasutter, That affurance ofGods love inus wouldbreed godly haveby contempt, frcurityand negieft ofGod. For with all ingenuous natures ( and A(fitranee. fast, tl-e childrenofGod are) themore perfwafionof anotherslove to them, the I more they repay it with love again. The wife, the child; the morethey know theyare beloved of husband or father, the more this inflames them. Love is fire, rod fire turneth all things into fire. Thus David, when he could fay, God had forgiven his iniquities, andhealed his difeafes, in particular; ThenRef the Lard, myfoul, andallwithintne praife his ho/y Name,Pfal.1o34. Thus Paul ìn Rom.8.6. what puts him into thofe extaticali rapiures, and tranfcendent ex- preffsons about Godand Chrifl, but the afl'arance that he was fuch an one whom Godhad clewed, called and julaified ? Oh thew, knowall the while thou haft doubtings andfertile fears upon thee, fo long thy love to God is very imperfea and cold. The fear of God brings hatred and wearifotn thoughts of God : And hence theApofale(heweth, that fear, viz. faavi(h bath a torment with it; and thatlove cafteth out this tormentingfear, t ? "ohn 4a2. Love toGod as a gracious at r would allayall thofe tempeftuous and fwelling was thatare inthe foul. Now this aves cannever be done, but by fome certainty .ve are loch whom God loveth. Tranguillue Dens, tranguillat amnia ; when we know God is pacified, then the foulis alfopacified. As it's with the fee, thatis quiet as longas the air and windes&om aboveare quiet and Hill; fo it is here; The fool,that is.calttia. comfor.tablàand gracious, all the while it can by affarance enjoy Gods favour. Now if weCannot fovigoroufly love God, while we are without this certainty; how (bong this provokeus to iy;dea:oar after it 1 Secondly, Cereovsyof on ca:lzn, ana et t iop ajasll breedmeth f' rituallflrength a atsdheavenly toatetraces osssa,autset. to eg r(aravgd 4l1 relattaytwsrli mách Sf1T lsolirelj`e