Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

S s C T.X I I. ofEifenal Calling, 683 ftrongcfi oak; but yet he flands like an i nincveable root; and all becaufe of that integrity and finceritywhich he knew to be in himfclf; he knew his aims and ends tobe pure, he knew he fcrved God for Gods fake. As this is of great confequenee to defend againít the devils accufàtions, fo alfo againff the calum- nies and falfeclamours of the devilsinliruments. As the devil is d taoha, The acculer, fo all wicked men dodiabolizc; they charge the generationof the god- ly for hypocrites, for diffemblers, for painted fepulchres ; but the knowledge of theirown uprightneffe, and thegraces of God in their foul, do abundantly for- tifie them ; whereas this is terrible to haveother men condemningus, and God alto, and our ownconfcicnces condemning us. Fifthly, This certaintyis afpeciall means to breed contestation ofminde, anda 5, ehankfall, chearfnllheart in every condition. As we toldyou, David in thatgreat exigency ofhis, incouragedhimfetf inbit god: and inhis Palms, that theLord was his portion, and his inheritance: Now this could not be known, unlcfie he alfo were certainof his godlincffr; for God is not the portion or inheritance of wicked men. And upon this it is, that he faith, Godhadput more joy into his heart, then they have,Whsnmine andoilincreafeth,P61.4.If thereforethou wouldil have that happincile on earth, true constatation of fpirit, it mull be from the knowledgeof thy grace, and fadeof Gods love in Chrifi, when thou canal fay, Soul,take thy fpiritual cafe and heavenly quiet, for here arc many good things florcd up for thee : This is tobe a godly Dives indeed, a Dives infoul, and to fare delicioufly, ina fpiritual fink, every day. Lally, Th.'scertainty ofgrereit afare and Ifeciall antidote againfi death inall 6 she fears ofit. This makes the Bing cf terrors, a King of all confolations: For facing that by grace we are themembers ofChriíl, death bath no more fling on us, then onChrifl our head. And therefore the godly may in Ch aft triumph, O death :Acre is thy fling, O grave where as thyvillory! r f'or,r5.55.Thefcfer- pents may be handled, becatìfe their flings are out. Let them howl and roar out at the approachofdeath, whoknow not whether God betheir friend, or enemy, or rather may know he is their enemy ; who have jutl mole to doubt, whether theyare going to hull or heaven : Oh to fuch,the very name and thought of death and jsdgcmetar,nutil be full ofamazcmcnt andterror: But to thofc who are in a holy manner perdwadedof their intercit in Chri(ì, that perceive the fare evidences ofGods gracein them; they may lift up their headsfor their redem- ption drawethnigh : And indeed this fhould much incite you, ro tick after tech a fùpport at death. Hezebiah uponthe ¡ententeof death pafied onhim, fuppor- ted himfclf with this, a King.2o.3. And what wilt thou do, when the hour of death approaches : here is no longer the comfort of thy riches, wife andchil- dren to be injoyed ; here is no longer the company of thy friends andacquain- tance tobe retained. Oh then l ;v hen thou art to be fore no linger ofary earth. ly comfort, would it not be better thena world to thee tobe fure of heavenly comforts ? Oh that you wouldbe wife foryour latter end, Do fometbing that may Rand you in ficad, when you are dying men, gafping at the Taft. Drowning men oieto catch holdon any thing. Oh dyinganddrowning into fhouldbe fare of afall hold toleanupon ; Their arc the advantages. How co know But the godly heart may inquire, How ?ball I i nets this holycertainty and per- true certainty fmafion by gods Spirit, frommy ownperttsafion, from the feiflattery that it in was ? which is Are therenot thoufards ofpeople that call datkncfs light, and bitter (wert? that wrought by conclude the truth and good mire of their heart in all rcfpefts towards God. It's rho sparrt,&om true it cannot be denied but that there arc fuchfoolifh dreamers, whodream of he folfe z their fulneffe when they are indeed empty ; yet co a [catching eye they may be mans own quickly diflinguifhed. heart. For firfl, Holy certainty is kgpt up inall exerci fes ofgrace, and conflant tender a avoiding of all knownfin: but prefumption will agree with theprafticeofall theft, He is confident ofGods love, of his own good heart ; yet a notorious S fff a beall,