S á c r. XII. Of Efe Calling. eRy Seventhly,Theprefumpunn man is fullofhanghtyarrogance andprosepreferring y. of him f lf, eontcmning and rendervalaing others. Thus that Pharifee,Lordl thank theethat I am net au other men, &c. Whereas trueaffurance is accompanied with deephumility, and apitifull refpcft to others, prayingand mourning for others ; Oh that their ties were opened ; Oh that they were inriched with the graceof God, as they are. Humility and fcl &emptineffa isan infeparablc effft ofgodly affurance, and ofprecious efteem with Gad, Minimum de fe fenfffe, tam mag_ hum eft guam maximauresfeciffe, The loweft love, and thekalt thoughts of our felvcs, is as great, as to havedone the greaten andmo{t excellent things. In the next place it may be queftioned, What that godly perfon fhould do, What a godly whobathnot this affurance ; though gracebe inhim, he knoweth it not, yea he doechat a wants tbinketh theclancontrary. Even as Luke 24.1 6. When Jefasafter his refur- Aflùrancw rettionappeared to the difciples, though he drew nigh to them, and talked to them, yet fifth the text, Their oies Were holden, that they didnot know him, Sa it is withmany a gracious heart, Chrift is fpiritually in the foul, grace is prefenr, yet he cannot feel this. Though the fun. of righteoufneffebe in his heart, yet h: walketh in darkneffe. Now to fuch an onewe fay, Let himwalk itsafaith ofadherenceand dependance Whenhe harpnone oft-heft evidences. This the Scripture cals trotting, rolling,lean. ing and flayingof the foul upon God. David in many Pfalms hash only this plank to Rand upon inthe great Ocean : For this you mull know, though affu- rance be a duty, and to be preffed after, yet it is not the faith that junifeth. Thou maiefl belong to God, and have an intereft in the promife, though thou feel no evidences ofit. Who is he thatfearerh god, Walking in darkneffe and bath no light, leth'mflay himfelfspan ggad?Ifa.So.ro.Sothen, if thou findell thyfoul likeaparched heath; thou goeft bowed down, thinking thy felf a withered branch, a driedtree; confider what is thy duty,, what doth God requireofthee? even a dependingandwaiting on him. And thisdependenceof faith is far more noble thenthe affuranceoffaith. For firft, Inaffurance, there I go on inholy duties, and love ofGod, becaufe The depen; of the fen(ibie fweetneffe and delightthat I have; but in dependancethere I truE dance of faith inGod, when I have notnfeor feeling : So then, as k isa greaterall of love to more noble God, whenI love him thoughhe affifts me,though he bleffth mewith noout- then AfÌu once ward mercies; fo it isa greater all ofobedience to wait and depend on God, when! feel myownunworthineffe and load offin, then when the goodnefte of my heart is cleared upunto me. Secondly, To depend andwait onGod, though darkneffe be in thy foul, ar- aè gueth thy faith morefirm and ftron. As when the woman of Canaan would not give over, though Chrifl called her dog, yet this made 'her faithto appear great faith. It was anhigh expreffion in Iob, Thoughhe kill me l Will truft inhim. Do not then giveover thy conftancy in holy duties, be not difcouraged iii wait- log, on God for aflùrance, for hewill at lait cattle the fun to arife, and the dark night to fly away: And thusI (hall conclude this text, Rill preffing yaü tohe uponmore fare and certain termsabout your fouls, then many are. God bid Hezekiah f t his houle inorder beforehedied : Oh do thoulet thy foul in order, raft up all thy fpiritu- all accounts. It isa wofull thing when thou artdying, then tocry our, Oh I know not whatto do, live I mull not, dy I dare not ; every thing is indiforder, thereis nothing fore aboutmy foul. What do youthinkmy beloved.brethren?Are not theft thingsthe greaten reafon in the world we perfwade you to? Flow unexcufablewill ye be ? when will yego away and fay, It is true indeed, we should be upon fare terms, It is an happy thing to be fo, butthe world, that hinders me, my lulls they hinder me. Itell you the confederationof thefe things havefoaffeefed menheretofore, that theyhavegoneand lived incells, andholds nftheearth ; they haveflint thetnfelvesup in woods and wildemeffes, that they S fff 3 might