Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

686 ofEffeídaal Calling. S n c z.XII. mightattend to this great matterthe falvation of their fouls. This indeed was their blinde zeal and indifcreetforwardnefs, but it will certainly at the day of Judgement rife up and condemn thy jollity, thy carnal! fecurity in a tinfoil way. A.A. 1 4 AA #-AA 4- su, su 92W e2g2 SERMON CXIX. Sheweth in how many re eEls wicked men (before their effectual Calling) are afar off from god, and confquently miferable. ACTS 2.39. For the Promire is unto youandyour children, andto allthat are afar of, even as many as the Lordour God f1all call. THe later part ofthis Text will continue further new matter unto us,while wetreat of this Divine Vocation : and to bring you to thecoherence of it You may rake noticeof two great and flrange wonders recorded in theChapter: The firif is, That admirable Apparition of the holy Choft in fiery cloven Tongues upon the heads of the Apoftles : Wherein take notice of the time when this was, In the day of 'PentecoJt; on this time theLaw wasgiven on Mount Sinaiby Mofs; and now the Gofpcl is to be preached to the whole world. a. Confider the Manner of this Apparition, it was with a ru/bing mighty Winde; this did denote the great efficacy and mighty power of the Spirit in the Wordpreached. The fecond way was of Tongues, ro Phew the gifts that God would bellow upon tteApoftles, and fiery Tonguesto fignifie the light, and the heat, and the purifying vertue that would be in the Wordpreached, and cloven Tongues, hecaufe they woulddivide the Word aright to every hearer. Thus as once di. verfity of Tongues was a judgement, and by it Babelwas built ; fohere, divers Toro ues are a mercy, and by it the fpiritual ferufalem is built. In the next place you have the Efficacy of this Apparition demonftrated in theApoftle Peters Sermon. And Fie!, Heconfirmeth this wonderful work of Godby a Propheticout ofJoel, wherein God promifed To pour out hisSpirit (that denoteth abundance)on their foes and daughters, their men-fervants and maidfervants, the meanell and moil contemptibie, contrary to that wicked Paying of the Rabbins, Spirittu Sanftua noncadit raper ,enimumpauperis And after the Aponte Peter had doftrinally in ftrnfted them about Chrift, and praaically convinced them of their particular fintie incrucifyingofhim (for Singalariafuse qua pungunt) you have the won- derful and favouiryeffèffi upon the hearers, defcribcd in two things: r. Their remorfeand trouble ofconfcience for finne,They Werepricked in heart, as a man that is ftabbed at the heartwith a dagger: This oughtto bethe fruit of all Oitr Sermons, to fendyou away grievedand troubled, wounded at the very heart,