Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

Obferv. ofE,ffeólual Calling. Sac r, XII. this promifeofgrace in the outward offer of it, as alto in the Church-priviledg- es, are difpenfedto fuch, who fometimeshave an external profeffion only, but are without the inward efficacyof it. Thefecond fubjeCt is Their Childron:Here wefee God takingparents intoCo- venant, takes' alfothe feed, and upon this one main ground Infant-Baptifm is fanned: So that though childrenbe notexprefly named in the command to ba- ptize, yettheyare in the promife accompanyingthe precept, and that may put it out ofalldoubt. I chore this veri for the later part, containing theSubjeetsenumerated, viz. Thofe that are afarre off, even as many as God Atli call. From whence ob- ferve, Fitt}, That allmen tillcalledbjGod, are afar offrom him. This expreilion doth contain the dreadful andwoful effaceof all men by na- ture, Theyare afar off fromGod. As Abraham laid toDives,There Was agreat gulfbetweenthem two; fo there is a remotediibncebetween Godandall men till called, Ephef..z.r3. reWhoWirefometimesafarof, faith theApofle fpeaking of the Gentiles; and fo verf17. Thusthe Prodigal that took his frock to fpend it uponl4nne, and the lullsof the Beth, be is laid Togo into afar countrey. Now whenwe fay, All men taiGod call are afar off, youwill ealily underhand that we fpeaknot of Gods omisiprefence, for that isimponible, none can be far off God in that fenfe. Whethercan Igo from thy prof nce, faith David; If I Would take the Wigs of the morning, or gointo the depths, or dig into hell, I cannot go from thee, Pfal.139.7. Now in thisfenfe, God is near even every wicked man, but we fpeak of Gods gracious prefence anddemonfration of his loving favour, in which feule itsPaid, ThatCain was call out ofGods prefence. In how, many But to open this more particularly, let us fhew in hewmany particulars the afarre XP t y men are are thus elongated, ormade afar off fromGod. And off fromGal. Firfl, In regardof theknowledge ofGodin a true and raving Way. They are as t. little children, in uteroignoranria,asTertallion expreffed it, nomore apprehen- five ina rightmanner ofGod, thenthe children in the dark womb are perceiving of the thingsofreafon. ThereforeEphefa. part of this dinance from God is in that theywere á i, Without Godin the World. ihens that was the eye of Gracie, yet that could fee no better, then to dedicate an Altár To the unknown god; Hence theA,oftle fpeaking oftheHeathens, faid, They did feel or grope in the darkafrer God, Ads 17.27. Even as the Egyptians intheir thick darknefs, or the Sodomites thickenwith- blindenefsdid; and therefore Gods willing of men to be faved, is declared in this, That he Would have allmen come to the knowledge of the troth; and generally the Nations ofthe world are defcribed by this, That they know not God. Its true, Rom.t. the Apoflle (peaks ofyvnsiviiiOshfomeching; that bynature may be known of God, fome fparks, tomeembers, but this is fo corrupted, fo confufe, fo imperféft, that it grofly miflakes like that blindeman . recovering a little fight, that faw men like trees : Oh then, if tobe a corporally blinde man be fo heavy a mifery, that fuch cried to our Saviour, Lord that We might receive ourfight ! Howmuch rathermay we cry out to have the eyes of our eyes opened, who are wandring far fromGod I For although thefe slum are here laid to be farce off are Heathensand Gentiles, yet even Chriffians by birth are alfo(arre offfromGod, till they have this fpiritual eye-falve; and therefore in two refpeéfs menmay be faid to be far off from God : Fitt, both inrefped of inward grace, and theOutwardmeans offalvation: and thus all the Heathen i (hpart acheworld is afaroffGod : Or fecondly, in refpeflofAbe in- ward grace only : When men do enjoy the outwardmeans of falvation , and in this fenfe by theirduties are laid Todrawnigh God, but in refpeft ofany favjng work of grace, areas farre offas Heathens andPagans : and this is theconditi- on, as is to be feared,ofmany thoufands, They are nigh. God in refppe& of the Chrinianfaith they profefs in refpeft ofthe Duties and Ordinances theyexerdfe them-