Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

S a c T. XII. of EffiltualCalling. 69f we to him: Oh 1but forall this, we may be as far off from faving Graces as Heathens , if our livesbe no better, if our converfations be no moreChrifli- annized : Thofe places to whom theSun draweth nearer, arewarmer then the remote, cold parts, where ice and cold is : Thus it fhould be withus, where the Sunof Righteoufnefs bath appeared, there fhouldbe heat and zeal for God, therefhould be meltingsand mourningsfor fin,there fhouldbe a feparating from all drofs, and every evil way: Caler Jeparat hetrogenea; whereas froh and cold hath faftened many heterogenous things together, heat that feparatcs them: And then the heat oftheGofpel fhould feparare us fromour former lulls, and from our by-pat} iniquities:and know this,he that is far offfromGod,hecan- notbut be near to the Devil and Hell : Thus the Ephefians that were without God, they wereunder the power ofSatan, and in the (late of darknefs : why then doeft thou nottremble and fear thy condition? the farther that thou art going fromGod every day, the nearer thou art to hell : Your life is a motion, you arealways a going, every alfionisaftep; now nit beIinful,it is fromGod, and towards hell : What though thou findeft the way pleafant ? though there bemany delights and temptations in the way: Perfallaciabonaitur ad vera ma- la,per fal/aciamala :ter ad vera bona,Through Teeming good and pleafant things, we come to real mifery. SIER MON CXX. That not all man(indeare calledwith afaving call; How ab¡urd it is to hold, That the Works of god, the Sun, en/loon and Stars, &c. mayf6 call Wen; emnd gods fuflice cleared in that point, Jiirring up all to behold the f verity andgoodnef of the Lord. ACTS. z.39. For the promofcis ttntnyou, and to your children, and to as that areafar off, even as manyas the Lordour God (hall call. ( p ( ]E have handled the thirdkinds of pecfons enumerated inb this Text; V kl viz. Thofe that are afar of f The next thing inorder co beconfider- ed, is the further defceiptionof thofe that are afar off, which is by wayof reftriaion and limitation, AS many as God Mall call; whereinobfervea a. The limitation of thenumber, Asmany as God¡ball ca/l: You fee its not an univerfal, its not to all that are afar off, but onely to chofe whom God (hall call unto him. a. There is the benefit or priviledgeGod vohchfafeth,defcribed; a. From thenature of it, Call. a. From the efficient caufe, The Lordour God ¡hallcall; the Greek word is with the propoltion,offs, (hall call unto him; which cloth partly denote, the great diftance that all men by nature arefrom Tttt a him;