694 Of lret7aal Calling. S n c r. Xit. things; for fo hehathno natural flrength : but to fuchobjeds as bynáture be might : He willfully runneth himfelf inthe committing of fins, againft his con- fcience and knowledge ; he doth with delight and joy , tumble himfelf in the mire and filchof fin : Now God calleth by thefe natural ways, to curb and re- firain him, to put a bound to therewaves : For if there were not there general conviftions, no Societies,no Commonwealths could conlft. 4 In the thirdplace, take notice of a twofoldlaving calling ; The one isonely ex- ternal, and laving inrefpeft of the abilityand fufficiency ; the other isfaving ef feftually, and in refpeft of the event. Nowwhen theApoftle faith in theText, Asmany as God faall call, it comprehendsboth; thofethat arecalledeffeftually, as well as outwardly : they have not onely the outward adminifiration of the promife, and the priviledges thereof, but all the inward profit thereof; on the other fide, thofethat have onely the outward call, they have onely external priviledges : And as Ifmael hadmany gifts from Abraham, but not the inheri- tance ; fo havetheft many favors and priviledges fromGod, both for them- felves, and their pofierity, but none ofthe inheritance it felf. Now youmay underftand the Doftrine of both thefe calls, Not all of mankinde arecalled with fo much asan outwardcall, and of thofe that are called with anoutward all, not many,but feware called with an inwardcall ; according to that Text, Alan), arc called, butfeware chofes : So then, behold the wifeanddreadful ways of God herein ; not the greateli, but the leap part of mankinde arecalled with this outward invitation; andofthofe who enjoy thisoutward invitation,not the greateft, but the leali part partakeof the inward power and efficacy thereof. III. Thirdly, That God dothnot call all menwith this favinggracious call, will That God evidently defall° appear, ifyou confidertheways of God,even fence therewas doth not el- a Church,till now. In the beginningGods call was onely amongCome few, fe&wally mil fo inNoah, andafterwards to Abraham, and fo to his pokerity ; and although all men,pro- we read of Tome ['rangers, and a few Profelytes, yet theywere but as lean- ved. ings, to thofe thoufands and thoufands thatnever heard of God : And the time of theJewifh Church, God there feemed to inclofe his vineyard ; among them onely washe know, Salvation was of the fens, they were the children to whom meat did belong : So that no man can fay, God did thenhold out the Scepter of his grace to other Nations. Well, if we defcend to Chrifis time, we mull confers the partition wall was broken down ; all nationsthen might be made clean: Peters fheetof beaks, clean and unclean, taught him that; but yet even fine thepreaching of the Gofpel, there aremany nations oftheworld whereCh riftand theGofpel have neverbeen preached;indeed their vo}ce is Paid to found overthe whole world,Rom.io.becaufeits not forbiddento bepreached to all men,as heretofore ; yet many remote cornersofthe world havenot enjoy- ed the beams of this Sun That as they fay, the vertueof theSun cloth fcarce ever come to fome parts, but it is always winter, and molt part night; fo it is with many nations in the world, and the Jews who once were thechildren, now feem to be the dogs : The Apokle doth at large confider, Gods good- refs to the Gentiles, and feverity to the Jews, the natural branches, Remit. Its herewith them, as it was with Gideens fleece and the floor, one while the dewwas on the fleece, and thefloor was dry ; then thedewwas on the floor, and the fleece was dry : Thusit is here, Onewhile the Jews was a pleafant gar- den, and the Gentiles a wildernefs; now the Gentiles a garden, and theJews awiidernefs; and if you ask,why is it thus: Its not for reafon to difpute, but faite to adore : Ifla mailercacear, Letthis woman, this reafon, hold her peace in Gods Church. IV' Fourthly, kJno injaflice is God, though he do not give this univerfal call of Cioddezred orate to allmen: For this bath been the kumbling block at which many have f:um Injuficc. fallen : How canGod (fay they) be proclaimed fo merciful, an oceanof all honey, inwhom is no gall? how can he bé focompafiionate, and full often- der