Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

*t* 7X. 14M- 2%0.4è1 OA Kil'OPINWWWWWWW AN A L P H A B E T I C A L T A B LE. A Bortiveras tothe new-toirth,'Pag 034 Abfing grace is requifred as well as converting, 5 So Following upon the prin- crplesof grace,make happy, 552 Adoption, what ofduty, and what of priviledge in it, 237 Agellions. Agelfionsand tweet motions of heart in holy things, confahlent withan unregenerate Rate, 2 1 Several grounds of fuch temporary affeíort,00s, 219 Why apt to be relied on, s 20 Their infufficiency, Sot Sometimes not the work ofthe Spirit when thought to be, AP tiionr. Af iífiaoo,Gods framing this evil,what it means 443. Whycalled evil, 446 Of three forts : Exploratory, 448 For fro, but medicinal, ibid. For fin, anddeilrru&ive, 449 Diffa ence betweenmedicinal andpenal, ib. Howoperative tomens converhón, 430 Affuranae. AjFurance, To reek it a duty, x Thebenefits oc advantageof it, Hinderancesof it, 9 Attainable by fsgns, (s'e. with propoftions about it. ei Itsadjunkts,vit Polfrbility, 23,675 Necelliry, 24 Difficulty, 25 Excellency, z6 How diffcrenced from prefumoeion, 57 . What VC mutt do whenwe wantit, 34,e73 Why, Goddenieth iv to thofe that 'lava true grace, 35 juftifacaaion-andSanftificaìlonought to be A fought from their fruits, 43 From Signs no argument of weaknefs and unbelief, le From gracesnorelying upon a humane teRi- mony, St Got by Signs,not ureters, 5 z From an immediate voice from the Spirit queftioned, ib. BySigns,freed from abfurdiry, Itnpoffibility and Difficulty, 53 Ganfrfting of a pea Bical Syllogifm, isnot by meer humane reaton, 54 Inobtaining it by wayof Signs, mach skill and care is required, 55 C ALI are not calledwith a raving Call, 684 E] Change. Change from wickedneffe and prophanenef', not enough, 278 That grace makes aman great, 373 Its qualities, Í. Neceflary. ..Rational. 3. Profitable. 4. Honourable, 313 374 Chriftìans. Cltri motof three forts, an If true are touniverfally and exafIly, 638, 639,640 Whytome are nor fo, 640 Church. ChurchPriviledges and vifible lagon andduties therein no frgn ofgrace, 104 Why apt to be cededon, 1o6. Proof that theyaie not í ns, t 0 Company, when wicked,retards the work of con- verfion, 9 '2 43t,pj%ci Hoiy cubi thrown riff, 4ÿ,ì N u tì u ¡actiár