Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

THE TABLE. gracious qualifications, K KEepingthe Commandments, vid.0hedience. Mesasfond perfwalons of their doing ir, wish the caufes, '42,(85¢. Experimental Knowledge. ExperimentalKnowledge ofour feives Difftcule, 5 ib. ib. 43 !Natives to fanékification, Converfron or turning toGod, N Advantageous, Thebeur, Theend ofall otherI(powledge, 8 Elablifheth the foul, ibid. Its impediments, 9 Whether in hypocrites, x2 How is differs in hypocrites & regenerate, s 5 Knowledge ofour flareofgrace to be attained by marks and figns, 17 Efiablifhethnot the heart asgrace doth,316 L LEarning requiGte in a Minifter, 620 Life and convedation ofmen evil give teffi- monyrotrue grace within, 543 Loveto thepeople ofGod a bgnofgrace, 96 TheAt itCela the Objed,theEffeets,97 98,99 M MArks, vid.Signs. v'litiificy. Miniflry of theword theway to turn men from their fins, 495 Of Godsappointment, ib. Fora fapernatural end, 496 Gods wifdom in railing (Lich low means for fo high ends, 497 Not alwaiesfuccefsful, and why, ib. That it may be effeEtual, what robe done by Minillers, 498 Though not corrupt,yet may be without fuccefs, goo The reafons both from God, Minifters and people, 5oa,50a,go3 Thoughcorrupt mayprove fuccefsful,go3 Miftakcs inexperimental knowledge eaGe, 4 Dangerous, ibid. Morelvenue. Moralvertue,the counterfeit of Caving grace,334 Philofophy, vs/Heathens, Verrues, as Temperance, Fortitude, (Pc. no graces, Becaufe 359 n Not built upon a good foundation,lb. 2. Not rightly obtained, ibid. 3. Not guided by a fire rule, 360 ibid. 36r ib. 362 03.5 4. Not referred to God, 5. Not of faith, 6. NothingofChrift init, 7. Often an enemy to grace, Lhlaojlers ai tothe New- birth,. Motions sfheart, aid. aA/fefions, 389 400 NAture : Its corruptions fee forth, Iasprinciples, &c.vid.Heathen. New Binh,vid.Regeneration, 2'C,ew-Creature. New-creature. The natureof grace let out by it: Its Neceffisy, 2 Isproduced only by God, i ayx His glorious Attributes appear in ir,25 S What it dash not imply, and to what it is oppofed, 58,&c. Its fapernaturalityand excellency fee ow, 264 ObjeCtionsagainlf it anfwered, 27o Counterfeits of it,anoutward form ofgad. linefs,(yc. 276 Helps anddireftions tothe attainment of it, 28o Gods workmanlhip, ag3 Created unto good works, X96 O Ø a B lienceunto Gods commands, A foresign of grace, . Howimpofhble, 62 How poflible, 63 When true and univerfal, External only not fufhcienr, ils Opinions, aid. Dilutes. Oppofition againfì finby grace, 3.26 OrderofGod its canverfion; Firft he works ¡a- ward principles,rhen from them men aft 1m- lily, S3g Why God takes this Order, Ordinances, towhom (nee'and beneficial, 546 Sanftifie nor, i9; sri P PArts, vid. Gifts. `Peaceable frame of heart., no evidence of grace, x74 Performance, vid.Pusses. Perrwafionof the truths in Religion, no evi- dunce for falvation, x67 Godslove no ligoofgrace, 174 PraliicalKn+owledge, viz. Knowledge. Prefumption,How differenced from alluranee,27 Remediesagainft le, 3a Principles as well asa &ions to be regarded, so Grace within will appear in the life, 543 followedby acting grace, makeshappy, 55x Priviledges,vid. Church. Ofa childe of Gad, Proferityno frgn of grace within, aura xeo Promfre