Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

THE TABLE. Promi fe ofconvection anabfolute free promife; 574 Purpofos and refolutlons of turning to God, fometi nosunfuccefsfull with the account of it, 437 R Regeneration. Rfgeheration Abfolutely necelfary to Calvati- on, our What it is not, wherein itlieth,and its re- fet»blance tonatural birth, ib,Stc. Unknown often to learned, and outwardly righteous men, 210 Grounds of ; he ignorance and excellency of the knowledgeof ir, z a z,57c. Abfolutely neceffaty,becaufe ofmans cor- caption by nature, 517 Its unexpteffible nature, nag Thecounterfeits of it, z3o Righteoufneß and equityconfcientiouly follow- ed by the people of God, 364,t'7'í. S SAlvetiatldifficult, and in Tome fenfe impoffi- ble, 594 Why fancied foBate, 196 SauSifcation. Stratification, It evidenceth Jollification, 43 Divers waies Cet out,val. Grace. The feveral meanings of fanftifying, 380 How thepeopleof God are fanftitiéd,385 Bybeing, a. Segregatedfrom the wçdd,38a z. Dedicated co God, ibid. ;.Prepared for goodworks,fra38z Its efficient and inflrument, 383 Meritorious caufe and extent, 384 Signs of trueSanS ifiication, t.TheSpirits dwelling in the fou,386 z. Ready Obedience to the tenth, ib. 3. Delight in fanftifying Ordinances, 387 4. Preparationto holy Duties, e9'e. ib. Motivesto it, 389 Counterfeitsof it, 395 r. Zeal in fuperftitious coitatha, ib. Z. Duties and Ordinances, 393 . 3. External Covenant with God, ib. 4. Gifts of the Spirit, 397 When evidences ofit are warning, what ra landitied protonShould do, 396 When it is but in a loue'degree, what to be done, 405 Seartbing,vid.Zrial. Selflave an impediment as to experimental, knowledgeof onefelves,. 9' senflefne(land ftupidity of contciencecanted by a. IIII education, . 339 z. A mitunderftanding of the government of the world, 345' 3. Caresandpleafures of the world. 345 Settlement in the truth, whener itproceeds, 8 Signs Signs 'ofGripe aredifferent; Evidencing to our ¡elves or others; 39 Proper to the godlyonly, lb. Pottiveand Negative; 40 Ofa mixed nature asto natural and voluntary Signs, . 4r To be oled, 43,44,9jo. Proceedingby them, Argucth pot weakneffe and unbelief, 5o IS Tint wrap opon a humane teftimpijy, 5 a Not ufelefs, Si Not abfurd,impoftbleordifficult, .33 To the making up ofa Praftical Syllogifnn is notbymeer humane nabob, $4 True Signs. i. Obedience; br,Qyí,; z. Sincerity, 67 3. Oppottionegainl, and abfiinence from fin, 7 4 To be willing robe triedbyGod, 78 5. Growthin Grace, 84 6. Spiritual performanceofholy duties, 90 7. Love to she Brethren, 96 17ageSighs, a. Church-Priviledges, 104 z.. Gifts and parrs inmatters ofreligion, 5 o 4 3. Affeftions and fweet motions ofheart, a ao 4. Opinions, judgements and difputes, r u; 5. Strong workings move theheart nor being from the Spirit, 509 6.. Great fufferings for Chrift, i 35 7. Perfwatons of an eoaft keeping the Commandments, 140 8. A ttriâ way ofreligion; . 546 9. Diligence in the worfhip of God, though not commanded, s $ 5 ro. Externalmoral Obedience, 161 5a. A divine faith, or perfwafions of the truths In religion, r67 5 z. A peaceable frameofheart, or perCwa6- on of Gods love, .174 13. Somersand profperity, 18o 14. Porfakinggrofs fins, 087 of San5lofcatian> 386 When wanting; what ffíould be done -te obtainit, 398 Six.. Abftinente from, andoppofrtionagainl ie,O fore ftgnof grata, 73 How afr n, A forfaking gas fins, no fire tgn of con- verton, r 87 May beupofidivers grounds,is a mer- cy,de'c. ibid.Cte. Aggravations of the fins ofChriftiansabove thofc ofHeathens, 350 Greatfiner: Godmakes fubjefts fometimes of fanftifyinggrace, and why, 369 ' With itsprotr,pleafnre andcnffomáritsers objeftiotts againli ttirning to God,4z6. to 435 Sins greatnefs helps againft difcouragernenr bene as to turning tó Gc3, 44 Uuuu 3 13aá-