Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

THE TABLE. BelcoedSius,Co n8de,atioro about them, 459 Signswhich are they,, 46o Converfionmakes a man leave them, 461 411o'in to be turned from in converfron,464,&c. ,Grounds of turningfrom fin acceptable with God, 468 Hinderances ofturning from it, 470 Some menoutwardly re(olvedagainft,rurning fromit, ibid. CaaCes of obftinacy in it, 471 Turningfrom fan not enough without turn- ing toGod, 473 Howmany waies men may do one without the other, ibid. Sorrowfor it to accompany turning to God, 484 Sincerity in motives and ends, a fare fign of grace, 67 How liable abureas afign, 68,&c. Its nature, and when a fign, 70 The Saar of God,,their qualifications and pri- viledges, 137 Sorrow forfinoften fruitlefs, andwhy. 530 Ought accompany turning to God, 484 A four -fold firing ofit 485 Intellectual orfenhtive, 486 Why it should accompany turning to God, 487 Spirit. Hiswork upon,and dwelling in,. and leading of the Saints, 91,91 To haveHim ismore then to be meetly civil, 93 That his fanfti£ying works, not common gifts,evidencegrace, Much felf.deceit is judging that to come from him which doth not, 1 z9 His puttingwithinmess what implied in it, 518 Hisvarious and excellent operations, 531 Spiritual Performanceofholy duties, a fign of wane,. 90 From fpirimal life wrought by the Spirit of God, 91 How manifefted, g ;,&e. StonyHeart,vid. Heart. Statue; taken up in Religion no fufficient evi- dencefor happinefs, 148 What commendable, and what unwarrant- able, 149, &e. StupidityandSilence ófcnnfcience;vid..Seaflefneß. Suecepje, vid. Proißerity. Suffering for Chrilt and the truth no Ergo of grace, 135 Sinful ingredients making them un- profitable, 137 Superfitioua cabins and humane conftitutions fanftifie not, provedby Argument, 391 T TEndernefe of heart, Trarr,vid.Sorrow. Trial s Awillingnefié to be tried by God, a fign ofgrace, 78 Howmany wales GodBoth trya man, 79 Inwhat particulars awillingntsto be trï d 523 Ihowechit felf,with itseffects, 81,82 Turning to God. Explained. 409,4 ro,&c Attributed fometimes to us as out work, fometimes to Godas his, 411 Its ingredients, 4q Iraimpediments,andon whomare more vili- bie fymptoms of its difficulty, 414-to 42o Motives to it, 42n.to 4n6 Objections a ainft it anfwered, as from the pleafnre,profltand cuftomoffin,424.ro 43 r Wicked companionsand relationsgreat hin- derances of it, 441,&c. Dffcouragements asto it, from 1. tbnpro- fitablcneffeofformerpurpofes, 4g7,&c. 2. Greacneflh offins, 441 How promoted by aflliftions, 45o Ought bewithout delay, with caúCes of de- layes inCome, 453 If true,it is from she moll beloved fins, 454 Scan agfin, vid. Sin. Somemenwilfully refolvedavid} ir, 47o To be joyned to turning from fro, 475 What it is, 478 Mul}bewith the wholeheart,with the mean- ingof it, 479 Efforts ofir, 481 Tobe accompanied with(orrow for fin, 484 Rending of the heart,489 Miniftryof the word, the means air, 49; Vorationeffeftualopened, 58; its nature withshe faecal wales ofcalling externally, 586, &c. Wherein the internalconfrlls, 589 Fromwhat : as fom blindnels to light, 591 Its properties : According to Gods pleafure, holy,heavenly, &c. 594 IrsEffefts.and Signs, 996, &c. In it are confderable the grace it (elf, the time, the perlons, óo1 Nor often of the wife, mighty and noble of the world, 611, &c. TheGofpel-feafl not alwaies accepted, 629 To many of thole than in parc obey it, it proves uneffeftual, 6;z. How theouiwarchy called differ from the in-" wardlycalled, 633,&c. Ofmany that are called few are chorea, 64; Thisdoftrincno groundof defpair, 644 Evidences of the paucity of elefted ones a- monggftthe called, 647 Chriftians oughtto walkworthy of it, 655 Whatit is towalk worthy ofit, and whodo fo, ib. Should engagemen tohe holy, as God that calleth them is, 6S9 Vprtghtneß, vid.Sincerity. w %I V)Rl;ingingods//atares, what. it menos354 , Y Qoalilications ofit., 358 trafbiag,Regeneration meant kyle, 376