Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

THE TASLE. rafting argues fins defiling nature, which meta fuperfitious wafhingsconfefte, ib. And thereforewere fuch external rites ap- pointed, ib. Otthe heart or hands, 37,7 What required to a fpiritual walking, 378 Wicked menprone to think they Thal{ die happi- ly, with grounds ofthis deceit, 364, Authors of their own ruine, which God delights not in,. 404 Wake,d companÿ and relations hinderers of con- oerfion, 431 Confiderations llirring up to the for fa- king of them, 433 Their milery, 686 Will ofGod approving ordecreeing. How God mils not the death of fanners, 404 W(dom (piritual in what difcovered. 607 Wifemen after the(felh their properties, 611 Reafons why the flelhly wife are rejefted on Godspart and mans part, 617 Difference between carnal wifdom and Chrifflánprudence, 619 Word ofGod howufed in callingCanners,, 587 GoodWorks A necefiaty fruit ofrenovation, 2'95 What Ctátion to good works means, ib.° What works are good, 298 Why fomctimescommended, and fometimes debated, 302 Tobe extended as far asGods commands,ib. Go not beforeJuilification,and in what fence are laid tojudifie, 303 In their truth,and in theirperfeftion tobedi- Slinguifhed between, 304 Tobe carefullyperformed,but not at all re- lied on, ib. Evil Works why to be avoided, 3 °5 The Warkmanfhip of God in man fan&ifying grace, . 283 In w*t regards it isfo, with its necelfsty, 284,283. Its excellency' above the great work of Creation, 287 What achange it worketh 290 Why fuch indilpofed materials nlad, 293 Works ofClod not lufficient meansofconverfiou, 69a WorfhipofGod,when not commanded,vain and unprofitable, 195 Converted perlonsare very careful of it, s g9 Internaland external Two forts of Statute- worthipsmanWioneia 560 F 1N I S. tt Aar w. 1)Ag.7.1.43 for poifon,r.tareo. p.14.1. t 9. for dif{inguifhed,r.cxtiugui fled. p.a 5.1.q9.for quaftion,r. guelfe.p.32. 1. 6. r.det+feafthemant.p,3S.1.32.for di(cern,r.anidencs.p.56.1.3,for inlargements oft, r. inlergemern. p.58.141.for foul,r.foyl p.61,1.2.delle andfelfe. p.86.1.3o..eharsh asbe did. p.89 f 1.4a.r.or bemoreglroious. p.9a.1.43.forfiu,r.mtn. p.153.1.10. r.Humicubations. p. 309.1. 3. dele effablifhiagthe hart with. THere is comeforthoflateAGeneralMareyrolagie of all or ntoff ofthe Perfe- cntions that &Webeen in the world. The fecond, third and fourth Part of Palmer and Cawdrey Of the Sabbath, an excellent Piece. AnExpofitionof the Epifdleof Jude, by M0William7endjn.. An excellent praaical ßook,entituled, Prima, media tr saltilna, The firft, mid.. dle and Taft things. Books formerly publifhed by Mr Anthony Btargefs,are. Yiaodiaiie Le,ia, and, A Treutife of Jndlification, L