Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

TheDoi#rirìeandllfefislnefosigns. S a c r, I. by Gods Spirit, whatneeds evidences by inherent graces; This is to lighta candle when the Saone fhineth; but the tellonony ofthe Spirit., and the evidence of gra- ces make upone compleat witneffe, and therefore arenot to be dill joyned, much lelft opposed, as is further to be cleared. Thirdly, Iemay be thought preptdiciall, and that two Wales, either to Chr$l and his righteoufnef-, as ifthe comfort from tildewppuld take usfrom relying wholly uponÇhrti; but we told you Pool, who did lb ó'mnifie and exalt Chúlt and his righteoufnelle, yet tookcomfort from his graces wrought inhim ; or elle it may be thought the difcoveryof grace in usmay make asproud and fecure ; but neither will this follow, becaufe hereby the graci- ous heart is flirted up tomore thankfulnefs, watchfuleefs, leali we lofe fuch a crea- ture, and to fruitfulnefs. Let the fife beto try our felves by this way of marks and fignes which the Scri- pture giveth,,andcertainly there was never a time, wherein marks of grace may bemote urged then now : how many place Religon inOpinions, iuDdputations, in Revelations! and the true power of Godlineffe and Mortification is altogether negleeted; This made the Apultie lams in his Epifile, andTool fitgaently in his to fpeak apical} the Gnof icks, afed rifenup in their time, that planted Religion in Knowledge, and arrogated that to themfèlvesonly, for which reafon the Apo-. files fo much prelfed a godly and holy life: Therefore that thou maieft not deceive thy own fell, ftudy theScripture.charadhers ofgrace, it may be all chofe lignes by which thou comf'orteft thy fell, Euch as abilities in duties, great enlargements,main- raining "a different Church- government from others, are .not in Scripture any marksofholineffe, efpecially confider it's the property of Chills ¡beep, not to hear (hangers, tollie frommoms. Certainly our Saviour yob. ny. defcribing the branches that are in him, takes no noticeoftheir leaves, their bloffoms, but their fruit : Ohbeafraid left Chrifts coming to thee be like that of his tothe fig- tree, he law leaves on it, hut no fruit ; whereupon hepronounced that curie, :Neverfrail. grow on theemore t So Chríft finde opinions, difputations, manyabilities andcue.: ward duties, but no true holineile, and therefore he curie thee, faying, Never feat:.kept on thee, Shoot forth into leaves and branches, but never bear fruit. It is tobe feared manylive with fuch a vifible curie upon them ; Holinefs of life mull bejoined CO the abilitiesofthe head, 9..ria bonaopera Cbrifrianue facie, tot aareot annularindigiiosmiferit, As many good and holy aftions thou doll:, fo many rings thouhaft upon thy hand ; Thefeadorn thee morethen goldor (jiver.