Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

5o The Doarine andWainerofSignr. S a c T. I. witneflìng this infallibly and furely, or elfe conjeeturally and by way of pro- bability. PopifhCommentators expound it the latterway, but it is very unwor- thy and derogatory, to make the SpiritofGod Author ofa conjeftural Certainty only, for it beinga divineTeflimonyit cannot but have infallibility : and cer- tainly if hefaidof theconfcience, which yet bath much errorand falfhood in ir, that it wasmille refles a thoufand witneffes,how much rather may this be laid of the Spirit of God ? but moreof this placehereafter. Ephef. r.13. The fecond place is Ephefr. r 3, In Whomafter ye believed, ye Were fealed With the holy Spirit of Promife. Where you have this WitnefíingorAffurance expref_ ledmetaphorically -by fealing, which is tired to ratifie and confirm things.; now God Both thus feat us; not forhis fake, but ours, that we may be perfwaded of his love ; God Both not feat as a Merchant his wares, that hemay know them, but as a Father doth his Teflament, or deeds of Gift to allure his Childe of fitch favour towards him. 3utyouwill,fay, What is this fealing ? The Meta- phorwill declare it : As in fealing, the Seal makes an impreßïon of its own like- neffe in the wax ; fo God in fealing untous makes an impreffion ofhis own holy image in us, and by this we are allured. They thereforewho understand this fealing ofthe extraordinaryandmiraculous gifts ofGodsSpirit,hit not themark, becaute tliele were not neceltsry fgnes ofAdoption, and alto they were not be- flowed spola every particular believer; we mull therefore underfiand it of the fandifying graces of Gods Spirit : And here you may alto obferve that faith wherebywe receive Chrifl firfl, is not the evidence, as Come plead, becaufe it is after theirbelieving, for theword is in the time part : that it is meant 'of holi- neffe, dotty appear alto by thewords following; Sealedby the holy Spirit of Pro wife, where the Spirit ofGod is called the Spirit ofthe Promife, either becaufe he Both confirm the Promifes or elfe becaufe he is the fruit ofthe Promife; and holy, becaufe of theholineffe he works in his children, which is their fealing;fo that as God the Father is Paid to Peal Chrift, when he gave him chofe abilities whichwere requiredto a Mediator, annointinghimwith all grace and witnef- fing by miracleshe was his Son ; Thus doth God the Father feathis children to himbyfurnifhing them with all the gracesof his holy Spirit, and by thele they know they are ofGod. John 5.8. Thethird Text and lati is,- r fohn 5.8. Thereare three that bear Witneffeon earth, Water, andblond, andthe Spirit. I fhould quickly tire you out, to (peak all that is faid by Expofitors on this place, ; fhall thereforebriefly affert this Expofition, as molt futable to other places of Scripture ; ByWater is meant that purifying andcleanfing from the filth of finne,- which we receive by Chriff, fignified in the outward teal of Baptifm : By Blood is meant that expiationof theguilt of firm, and fatisfyingof Gods wrath, which is alto fealed in theSacrament of theLords Supper And by Spirit is meant Gods Spirit, not immediately teftifying, for fo it is a Witneffe in heaven, but by the fruits thereof, furringup faith to a vigo- rous andpowerfull wayof holineffe, by whichmeans we perceive the. fruit of water andblood accomplifhed in our fouls. But I muff not flay longer on there places, I Ihall propound tome Doubts only to make this dutyofgoing by lignes more clear andeafie to you. As'in the óciplace, Doth it not argue weakneffeandunbelief inaCheofbianto walkbyfiger ? Isnot this to derogatefrom the glorioiea promife Ofgrace, as if that Werenot enough ? Anfr. - Butto anfwer, Firft, Signs do not argue'an abfolute Weakneffe, but comparative only. in heaven, all Sacraments, which are lignes and feals,fhall ceafe. Whether Adam had any Sacrament in the (lateof perfeftion, is difputed. The Tree of life is judged fo by tome; but it could not be a Sacrament in that particular fenfe as ours are, which Peal Remillion offin and Mortification of it, but in a more ge- neral way, for Sacramentshave two things in them, a. That which is general,to continue God tobe our God, and we bis children, its alloourcommunionwith others.