Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

5 1 The DoctrineandUfcfulnefof Signs. Sac T. I. pag.17.) denieth, The faith Wrought infuck a praílical Syllogifm, to be by: the poser ofthe Lord Almighty, but òaly in thefirength of humane reafon, and therefore is only an humane faith. But this is a very dangerous Affertion, and-likethat which the Jefuites would impofe upon the Proteflants concerning a doctrinal Faith thus, There is Veroetiana Ífetho!uo, bywhich the Jefuites would conclude the Proteflantshave no faith, becaufa (fay they) the object of faith mutt be according tothe Proteflants, ParumputumverbumDei, the meerword of God, burnow there is nothing, which the Protellants believe , but they conclude it by way ofa Syllogifm; and in chis Syllogifm, theAffumption or the meer infe- rence is not in Scripture, or they mayerre in making the.inference, and fo they have no conclufion- de fide.. But all this is fophifiry, for a proxim and immediate. conflation is in theprinciple, and fo believedwith the fame faith that theprinci ple is, andwhena manby reafon makes a conclufon, his reafon is only the In- ftrument, not the. Argument ofhis faith, his reafon is not the groundof his faith, nor Both it fuggeft the matter to be believed, but is the inf!rument to difcover it. As he that diggech ina mine ofgold, hisinflruments he ufeth in removing the earth that covered it, donot make thegold , but difcover it. And as for this pralicalSÿllogifm, it isnotmadeby meer humane reafon, for when the foul makes the affumption,it doth it, beingfanlified and enlightned by theSpirit of God, and fo is aninflrument in his hand, for there is the fame proportion be- tween theSpirit of God in fpiritual things, and reafon in philofophical things; fo thatas in Philofophy, reafonmakes themajor and minor in any Syllogifm ; fo in fpiritual things, theSpirit of God enabletha man to make a whole Syllogifm for a believers comfort and eflablifhment. Ufeof lnflrulfion, Howmuch they are deceived, whovifibly expreffe the power offin and Satan in their lives, yet acquit themfelves as the children of God Oh fay to thy fell, Whole Image and Superfcription is this pride, is this earthlineffe, is this malice and hatred ofwhat is good?Though our Saviour told the Pharifees, TheyWere the children ofthe Devil, and hùWorks theydid, yetthey wouldflatter themfelves that theywere the Childrenof Abraham. Doth not the Apofte fay, TheWork!, ofthefle/b aremanifèf- , envying' , railings , drtsnkenneffe, &c. Yet howbold are menthat live in thefe impieties? Do the Sacramentsfeat thefe things tobe done ? Doth the Word command thefe ? Did.Chrift die to make usfilch a people? Oh what amaddelulon is that,thatthou fhouldit live in lying, fwearing, uncleannefs,any groffewickednefs,and yet perfwade thy felf to be in a good efface ! 4ß444,414m4,444t4,44As44, 1, MhsWáerirIt S E R.Mf O lV.