Burgess - Houston-Packer Collection BT715 .B85 1652

To the Reader. in his .Wliniflery, he/eparated the Sheep from Goats, theLVheat from the Chaff, and thegood Groundfrom the bad, the wifeVirginfiat hem foal;fh. This then istheone neceflarything, and they choofe the better part whopreferit'before all controverfalmatter. Oh that all would bein'vited'to tafleandfeehow/meet the Traiical `Power ofgrace is above all 5otional Difcourfs ! eflnd oh that. thisBoob, if thouvouchfafefl toreade it, might be to thee likeEli(ha'sílretchinghimflfupon thedead Ghilde, to bring ffiiritual life with the Operations thereof! Ihave all (thematter requiring) dbera fed through the Treatif Prac`licalilrguments againfl eí1rminianfn, which is not onely repugnant to ma- ny eminent pregnantplaces of Scripture, but (as Vo lorAmes well urged again// Grevinchovius) is contrary Cormuni fenfui fidelium, The Ex- perience and fen/e all the faithfull have had of Clods gracious wor/ing upon them. It hathgreat ly grievedme to fie men ofgreat `.Depute amongfl their Difciples at leaf/ , publickly to avouch fuck DoElrines, without any trembling or helitation for mho will not be ready to fall down and wór- /hip theguilded image of Error,' at the found of fisch Sackbuts and Pfalteries, Tut I hope theme" People of god will jay to fisch Teachers, Non eft difoutandum de guftu , That which wee' have /een and felt, as it were, upon our Souls, that we mill adhere unto. l /hall ¡hut up allwith Luthers Prayer, ADodtore gloriofo, Patto.. z,