To the eader. .afiliaion when they are brought into iireights how otherwifeare men more afraid ofopen ihame.than offecr<et fins ? In a word, how duril men walk with- out God in the world, at 'call without fecret prayer and communing with their own hearts,, dayes,weeks, months,' years together ? l am perfwaded'more fouls drop down to Hell in our dayes under the abufe ofGofpel Light, than ever did in the grofs darknefs ofPopery they thenbetter improved their Talents according to the light afforded,and wa1= ked better and more futably to the light they receiv'd;wheras thefe'Gofpel truths which now íhines more fully and deers 1s in the faces ofibmany thoufands, are not fo much improved in, a more cumípe6t, holy, and humble walking, but rather abuied to a more loofe and wantoftcarriage and cenibrious judging. of one another, men finning the more becaule grace fo much, abounds ; how' could theSaints then love and,embrace. withfnglenels of heart ? but now the. foundas1