Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

72 .ftwoieraieetaibilfteensa. The Evil of Evils Or the tAftftatAMPitMlfgfAftWAAI CHAP. X I I I. Sin wrong the Coutefeis afGad in feting that Order in theWorld thathe hathfet. Flirdly, Thou trroggefl the Counfels ofGod in fetting that order in IN roorldrrhich he bath fet. To unclerfcand it know this, God in his Eternal Counfel bath let a dueorder in all his Creatures, thcy walk in an orderly way to fetch about that end that he himfelf did intend. As a Workman that makes a curiouswork, puts everic wheel and piece inaright fraine,and due order that fo by that orderhis Art hath placed in thework, thework mayattain unto that end he made it for : So God bath done, he hath made all things by weight and mcafure in due order. God madeall things good, very good, and all that oneCreature might be ferviceable to another ; as oñe wheel to a curious Watch is / ferviceable to another, and all to bring about the end ofthe Workman ; fo God in his eternal Will and Counfel hath let all things in that pro- portion and order that he may fetch about his own end. But fin is the thing, and the only thing that break the order ofGod in the world, and firikes at GodsWork to break it al to pieces what lies in the finner, if we fhould fuppofe that all the cunning Artificers in thewhol Nad- i on,