Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding Sinficlerefof Sin. Lfuppofemolt of you know fofar inyour Cate- chifm, That Chrift is God and Man; but fup- pofe I fzould put this Quettion toyou, . you fay Chrift is God and Man; but give me a found Reafon, Why it is necefíary that Chrift mull be GodandMan ? Why cannot man be faved by any. Savior but fuch a oneas mull be verily and truly Godand man ? I fuppofe youwill give a found fubfiantial R.eafon, and fay, God Appoin- ted and hath Ordained it should: be fo : but though it be Gods will, and Godhath ordained it, yet there is another Reafon, and this it is; You may fay ( when you hear Chrift was God andMan that mightySavior) here is the Reafon ofall that, Becaufe fin doth fowrong and ftrike at God, andoppofe God, that ofneceffity who - foever comes to be a Mediator between God and us, muff be God as well as man. Therefore the Scripturefaith of Chrill, his Narñe íhall be calledWonderfti, Counfellcrr, themighty -God. Ifa.9. 6. ,Chrift is the mighty God, and the mighty Godin the work ofReconciliation, in reconciling God and us together, thenhefhews himfelf mighty. Be- caufe if all the world had undertaken to medi- ate,,betweenGodand us, fuch is thebreach be- tween God andus, that all the men in the world could have done no more than if fo be youhad goneandput a pieceof paper to amighty flame, as if onçhad a mighty flame comingupon him, and he putsa pieceofpaper tokeep it off; we know that will quickly burn it; he muff put Come Brafs or Iron. So that wrong is dome to Godby the finof man, That if all the men in P2 the 83_ ,.,...-.--..