26 The Evil ofEvils, Or the bled for fin, as it bath finned againft God : yea, though theheart be foburdened with fears and horrors as tobe funk down into despair, yet I donot call that adepth ofhumiliation, it is not from thedepth ofhumiliation that the foul de- fpairs, for certainly (confider what I fay Bre- thren) there is a miftake in this, to think that thofe that despair are humbled too much : no, despair is for want of humiliation, for defpair and pridemayhandboth together; for theDe- vil is proud; you will fay as proud as Lucifer ; TheDevils defpair, theybe themotedefpairing Creatures in the world, and yet the moti proud Creatures in the world; therefore defpair doth not come from the depthof humiliation, but rather from the want of humiliation. Certain- ly the heartsofinen and women in defpair fly a- gainft God, many times flies moli defperately and proudly againaGod : in despair therefore the heart is not humbled enough when it hath only terrorsand fears, except it be humbled for finwhen it feeth it against the Majeftie of God as here hath beenopened to you : nothingdoth calf downthe foul fo low in truehumiliation as the fight of fin againÃi God. Oh what have I done againft God ? what bath my life been a- gainfi thatjfinite, glorious, eternal firft-Being ofall things ? Whenthe foul comes to fee that effcauallyythenit fallsdown,and falls down low too. Certainly Brethren, the heart is never hu%n led throughly till it come to fed the bur- denoffin tobe heavieft there where it is heavi- ef ; mark, I fay, till the heart feel the burden of