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Exceeding Sin/nine, of Sin. 93 Gods infinite patience, that fuch a great God who feeth himfelf fo (truckat, fought again%, oppofed, and wronged by luck wretchedCrea- tures, that yet he doth forbear cruthing them too pieces prefently. I befeech you Brethren confider, do but take along with you what I have laid about Sin, how it is againff God, and then confider, how all fins that are committed, God is prefent at it, hands and looks upon it. Dobut think fomtimes with your felves, when you are among a great concourfe of people, a- mong a company of prophane wretched peo- ple, as in Markets, Fairs, Taverns, Inns, and Ale- houles, how is Gods Name blafphemed there ? Whatdaring of thebleffedGod ? what fcorning and contemningof his Word andSa- craments and Ordinances ? well, and now carry along that thought, howGod is wronged in all there, ftruckat in all this, and what an infinite God this is , and then think howGod ftands by them, hearethevery Oath, feeth every filthy aft of Uneleannefs, feeth every Drunkard, and yet when the leafy word of his mouth were e nough to fink them to the bottomlefs-pit; yet God is patient the&ír, fecond, and third time5', yea, ahundred times : Perhaps thou haft been a Blafphemer twenty years; forty years a Swea- rer : and when thou cotneft in company, Oh thewicked Oaths that come from thee l and hidiousUncleannefs, and abominable wicked= nefs l and yet God (rands by, and looks upon the Swearer, and is patient all the while. Cer- tainlyBrethren, there is no man in all theworld that