Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

94 The Evil ofEvils, Or the that is wronged as God is , and yet man is not able to bear wrong from his equal if he have power in his hand to prevent it. What ! Shall he wrong me ? I will makehimknowwhat it is to wrongme. You cannot bear any wrong from your fellowCreature; Ohconfider what wrong Godhathborn from you and others, ítand and admireat the infinite patience and long-fuffer- ing of the Lord ! Truly Brethren, when any mans Confcience comes to be inlightened and awakened, then the greateft wonder in theworld to filcha Confcience is thePatience and longfine ringof God. Oh ! that God fhould be fopati- ent and long-fffering unto me all this time of my life that I am out of Hell, he ítands and wonders that he is out of Hell, and wonders at others, that others fhouldnot be affe&ed with thepatience of God. Certainlybrethren, that wrong is done unto God by fin,as that ifany one man that had all thepatience ofall themen and women in the world, put into his heart; all the patienceand meeknefs that ever was in all the Saints, fence the beginning of the world, if it were all diftilled into the heart of one man or woman, and fuppofe that this man or woman werebut wronged as God is, it were impoffible but that that manor woman fhould break forth with revenge againft tholewrongs done to him or her ; it were impoffible for fuch an one to bear, fo far as hecan feehimfelfable (I mean) to right himfelf, fo far hecouldnot bear the wrongs doneto him : But nowGodchewshim- fel£here tobe infinite itt patience and longfuf- feria lYwwiM-wrw.rwrM.-