Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

94 The Evil of Evilr, or the tt t! fcttAAA t o #AAA AttAt CHAP. XI X. AFifthCorollarie.] Hencefe away tobreaajcress heartsforSin. And alfo tokeep, uu from resypte tion. A fifthCorallarie. Hence is this Fifthly, IfSin be fo much againfkGod as you have; heard, thenhereyou mayfindameant andways both how to break your .heartsfor fin, andhow tokeep' yourfelvesagain temptationfor the time to come : I put thewboth together for brevitie. This is` the f}rongef1 way and means I can [hew you tò break your hearts. Would you fainbreak your hearts for fin ? Oh faith fame, what a hard heart have 1 ? Manyput up papers complaining of the hardnefs of their hearts, and denye the Minifier andCongregation toPeek God to break their hearts : well, Wcuid you fain have bro- kenhearts? haveyour hearts troubled in fuchi a manner asyou may give glorie to God ? This is theway. There istwowales to humble the heart Tor fn, There is .Looking upward unto, God, and Peeing whom it is thou hat finned a- gainl : And looking downward to thine ownt miferie, and what thou haft deferved by fn Nowmany altogether pore downward, and' looknothing bur downward to fin, and what is the defert, and punifhment, and tuilerie 5 but thei.