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Exceeding Sinfirfn f?of Sin. 97 their hearts though they be troubled andvexed, yet they are not kindly broken(as I ¡hewed be- fore) but now ifyouwould have your hearts kindlybroken for finCfor this is one ufe ofDire- &ion,that wemayget our heartsbroken forfin) look upwardsand behold him whom you have pierced : That is, behold, I God in his infiniteGlorie, and what an in- finite bleffed BeingGod is, and how worthyof . all the honor the Creature can give : let this beforeyourEyes ina fixed and fetled way. 2 Look upon God, in all the relations God bath to you, as your Creator from whom you had your being ; as he that preferves your be- ing everie moment ; . look upon him as your Lord, infinitlie above you, at wholemercie you wholly lie : Thus view God, and fee him irrhis glorie, and the relations he hath to you ; and thus by beholdingGod in fuch a manner is an e- fpecial way to work fironglie upon the heart. For herebyI come to fee, as it were, the prefent evil ofSin; the other is but onlie a fight of the evil ofSin tocome; as whena man or woman looks upon Sinusbringing Hell,that is but onlie to look upon that evil of Sin that is to come hereafter. But we know that prefent things do molt affeê ; as now anygood thing, ifit be to come, it doth not take the heart fo much as a prefent good. As when the foul makes the goodofthe Promifes to be prefent, then they affeE the foul ; but ifthe foul look upon them as to come, they do not fo much afeec : So if the evil ofSinbe look't upon as bringing Hell K and i