Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

98 The Evil of Evils, or thë andmiferie, this is lookedupon as tocome here- after,fo that it may be avoided; but ifI lookup- on Sin as againftGod, thenI look upon Sin as a prelent evil upon me, that flows from the very . nature of fin, and cannot be avoided, and this evil is even now upon me, and doth as:immedi- atly flow from theNature ofSin, as light Both from the.Sun it felf Andnow looking thus up- onSin, isa tmghtie means tobreak the heart. And then for avoiding fin for the, time to come ; when Temptation come, you fay it is ftrong, and overcomes nie : Now would youa- voidSin for the time to come in temptations ? then do as we reade of' Yofeph5 you know how he beat offthe ftrengthof the temptation, and when hemight havedone theevil in ferret; fee what prevails with him, oh howpall i do this great trickednefand finagainji God? not, HowThal I do this great wickednefs, andbringdangerand mifBrie uponme ? but, How,. (hall I do this and fin againft God? So if you, can have your,Eye, upon fin, and remember, what efpecial things you have heard ofthe evil ofSin, and when temptations come, you can fay, how-{hall I do this, and fin againft God? Oh remember this youServants that have opportunitie in fecretto do evil. Yofepthwas a Servant, and yetthis kept offthat temptationfrom him, when he was a yong man, that is the honor ofofeph, a yong manand aServant, when thetemptation comes, Oh this breakshisheart, How (hall I do thisand finagainft God ? So yöu,yongones and Servant go