Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Toe The Evil ofEvils, or the this principle, Thathe fhouldnot do any thing againft God, he could not anfwer theBifhops that came fo fubtilly ; but infleadofAnfwering their Reafons, heburlsout with tears, and then theywere convinced, and confeffed the King had more divinity in his little finger than they hadin all their bodies. So I apply it to you yong ones, perhaps temptations to that which is a finagainíl God, comes fubtilly, flrengthned with thisArgument, andthe other Argument; but if you have your hearts pofleffed with this truth, it is a Sin againfi God 5 Oh when you can- not Anfwer theparticulars of temptation, burli out and weep, and cry either for your conditi- on,orthat you shouldbe pefreredwith that you know is a finagainíi God, and fay, I had rather lofe my life, fullerany thing in theworld, than fin againfl God. If your hearts be filledwith thisPrinciple, when temptation to fin cornes, youwill beready to burli out and weep before the Lord 5 and this will be as flrong anAnfwer to temptationas canbe, and Satanwill quickly avoid, if you can when you find your felves pefleredwith temptation, and it follows and dogs and purfues you , if you can being filled with thisPrinciple, That fin is againfl God, if youcanget alone, and fall aweeping, and la- menting, that your hearts are even ready to break, from the confideration.ofthis Principle, this will be the flrongeft way and means torefift temptation that canbe. CHAP.