Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

11'2 The Evil of Evils , Or the again, that fo you may do fomwhat for God as you have done abundance of wrong ag_.infl God. AtAWtAA CHAP. XXII. The Eight Corollarie.] IfSin dothfemuch again l God, hencefeewhy God manifefifuch foredif leafure againfi fin as he cloth : i Again the Angels that finned. 2 Againfiall Adams Poflerity<. 3 See it inGods giving the Law againfi fin. 4 See it in Gods punithinggfinsthat areaccountedfinal. 5 See it in Godsdeftiroying all the worldforfin. 6 See his diffileafure inpttnifhingfneternally. E Ightly, This is one Confequence follows, If fin be fo great an evil, as you have heard, fomuch againfl God, wrongs God fo much as it cloth, and llrikes at God ; Hence then wefee the reafon whyGodixani ofisfuch fore dif- pleafure ageinfl fin. We find ( Brethren) moil dreadful manifeflations ofGods difpleafure a- gainfi fin, and the groundand bottom of them is in thefe things which you have heard opened unto you. And indeed did you underfland and beleeve what hathbeen opened unto you con- cerning fins oppofition ofGod, you could not then wonder at Gods manifeflation of his dif- pleafure againfi fin. Thereare manifold Mani- feflations ofGodsdifpleafure againfi fm, which when