Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding Sin,fubseß of Sin. when they be fpokenof, and opened unto peo- ple that do not underftand thedreadful evil that isin fin, they (randand wonder at it, and think, Oh theybe hard and revere things. When Mi- nifters reveal the threatnings ofGod againft fin, Oh fay they, God forbid, wehope God is more merciful than fo; and all becaufe they appre- hend not what dreadful evil there is in fin. That foul that apprehends and beleeves there parti- culars that have been openedunto you, cannot but`3ufrifieCod when they hear the revelation, andthe ma'nifef ationofthedifplearure of God againftfn, As now in there Particulars : That which bath ,been delivered is the bottom and groundofthere that we (hall mention, and we fee the reasonofall ¡.here. As Firft, That dreadfisl man ifefiation ofthedi#leafure ofG^d aeai aaft the Angels that finned againfi him : there is that revelation of the difpleafure of God againft theAngels, that might cauleall our hearts to tremble before the Lord at the very thought and hearingofit. I befeechyou con- fider, you who think that God is only a God of Mercie; andGod is not fo revere againft fin as f manyMinifters wouldmakehim ; dobut attend to what i (hall fayunto you, how God hathma- nifeftedhisdifpleafureagainft fin in theAngels Confider of there five or fix. Particulars, I will but onlie mention them. I That God Mould cafe fo manie glorious; Creatures asthe Angels are, for everfrom him felf, confidering the Excellencie of their Na- ture. ii3 T 2 C0n-