Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding SinfulnefS' of sin. TY? Creatures, tholeCreatures that were thehigh- eft that ever he made any Creature, for one fin without anymeans of Reconciliation : Certain- lieSinhathmore evil in it than men are aware . of, for though God hath not dealt thus with Mankind, yet he might; there . is fomuch evil in fin that God might havedone thus with anie ofus; and had it not beenfor the Mediationof his"Son, we had been thus irrecoverablymifera- blc to all eternitie. Secondly,, Confider, That forcneftn inegrfrf Parents (and not in our own perlons) that allthe Children ofmen by Nature areput in f ichan efiate to be Children ofwrath, and liable to eternal anifry,and that for the ofobrr Parents : that will flew the won derful Juftice of God : How rinfearchable are hic 7i/dements and his,.;;aies pall findi g rust l Cer- tainlie God is infinitc:lie difpleafed with Sin, that when thy: firt`i Patents of Man kinddid of fend, thenuponthat a?l their Pofferitie to the end oxthe world areput into a damnable condi tion,. all of them are children. of wrath, anad heirs. of eternal perdition as in themlelves Certainlie my Brethren, this is a truth, andnone can denie it that underhand Scripture, and ii yyou donot underhand this,you havenotunder ftood a great and necefl'arie Truthof theWord ofOod, that isneceffarie to eternal life, Thar all Man-kind are by the fn oftheir firft Parents putinto a condemned eftate, fo as they are all the childrenofwrath bynaturess theScripture.'; faith : fo that we are not onhe in danger of Gods eternal wrath.throurgh -the fin that ire. in our