..-Ä.F. 120 The Evil of Evils, or the haveflight thoughts of the Lord and his Holi- nefs, and thinkyoumay be bold andpreCump- tuous, youventureupon greater offences than this was ; but thefe men upon the venturing upon this one thing, above fftie thoufand are fainprefently s This is the difpleafureof God againfl fin, though very fmal toour thoughts. 2 . Again, A fecond example you have in Uzzah that didhut touch the Arkont f a good inters Lien, being ready tofall, yet that not being according to the Lam, Godfírasc( him with death prefently it colt him his life, he was firuck with fudden death. We are terrifiedwhen we fee one fall down fuddenly : nowuponthat ofence,thcugh he had a good meaning,and good intention, yet God brake in upon him with his wrath, and frruck him dead prefently. Confider this you that thinkyou have good meanings., and good intentions, yetnot doingaccording to the Law the leali breachoftheLaw, thoughwe have a good meaning, dothprovoke the wrathofGod, and God when he pleafeth lets out this his wrath. 3 A thirdexample you have in that poor man that we reade of, who did but gather flicks upon the Lardsday, andby thecommand ofGod from Heaven this man mnfl befroned to death : Youwould think . thefe things little matters. Alas poor man, he might have needofthem ; How many of you venture uponother manner ofthings upon the Lords Day, profaningof it? and yet Godfpeaks fromHeaven, and gives command to have this . man toned to death. Now Brethren, though it