124- The Evil ofEvils, Or the the Father with his Saes : when yerus Ch.rji that was the f ècond Petfón ofthe Trinity, God blefdfor ever, came to beour Mediator, and tohavebut ourfins im- puted untohim ; andaccording to Scripturegrafe, to be madefen : Do but then take notice how God deals with him, howGodmanifefts himfelf to his own Son, when his own Son didbut take mans fin upon him, to anfwer for it : do but then confider how God the Father did deal withhim. TheScripture faith,he didnot fpare his Son, but let out thevials ofhis wrath upon him in a moft dreadful manner. If we do but confider, Firfl, that Chrift God blefied for ever fhould come and be in the form of a Servant, fhould be a manofforrows as theScripture fpeaks, that in thewhol courfe ofhis life fhould live a con- temptible life before men, and undergo grie- vous fufferings. But becaufe I mull haften, do but lookupon Chriftin his Agony,andupon the Croisat his death, and there you will fee the dreadful difpleafure ofGod againft fin, and in nothing more than that. True, there is the brightglafs ofthe Law wherein we may fee the evil offin : but there is the redglafs ofthe fuf- feringsofChrift, and in that we may fee more oftheevil offin thanifGod fhould let us down toHell, and ifthere we fhould fee all the tor- turesand tormentsofthe damned in Hell, fee them how they lie fweltring underGods wrath there; it were not fo much as beholding fin, throughthe redglafs of the fufferings ofJes Chrift, and that of his Agony __Andgive me lave