Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

z3 The Evil of Evils, Cr the Veins and run to Clodders, and fo run down upon the ground Clodders of Blood : and al this but upon the apprehenfion of the wrathof God his Father again( him for our Sink Nowyou know when Porters be under great Burdens, lomtimes they fweat ; but never did any fweat like this fweat of Chri(, being under the weight of mans Sin, fweat fo as Clodders of Blood íhould fall front him : One would think fear fhouldrather draw in the Blood; fear na- turally draws in the blood to the heart : there- fore it is that men and women when they are fkar'cl, and are afraid, they arefo palein their Countenance ; fear caufeth palenefs in the out- ward parts, becaufe the blood retires to the heart when theybe afraid. But fuch was the amazement uponChri(, upon the apprehenfion ofthe wrath ofhis Father for Sin, that it fends out blood inClodders trickling down his fides. 3 And then a.third expreon which Thew the effect ofGods wrath onChri(, is thePrayer ofChrift; drift doth as it werefhrinit under thin weightandburdeno f fin, andcries to God, ifit bepef- Jiihlelet this Cuppo fromme. When we cry with vehemency,we fay, if itbepofble let it be thus or thus ; but Chrift cries out fo three times. Wemay apprehendChrift takingas it were the Cupofthe wrathofhis Father in his hand, and becaufe he knew it was theend wherefore he came into theworld, that hemuítdrinkofit for fatisfaLion for mans Sin; and being .willingto faveMan-kind, thathe knew couldnot be faved but hemuft drink the Cup, he takes it in his hand