Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

146 The Evil of Evils, Or the needs be a greater evil than Afi3i&ïons : For Brethren, of all Creatures in theworld that God made, Angels and Men were theonly Creatures that Goof ampedhis Image upon for as it is with Princes, theyufe not to ftamp their Image (if they be glorious magnificent Princes they u`e not to ftarnp their Image) upon Brats, or Copper,or Leather, upon bafe Mettais, but up- on pure Mettais, Gold or Silver; and it is a figs. :the State grows low, when the Kings Image muffbe Rampedupon lower Mettais : , Sohere, Godwould have his Image fiarnped upon forne'' ofhis Creatures; now he wóuld not take the loweft meatiefl Creatures, but Cod takes the 'moft excellentCreatures, as I may fo fay,°Gold and Silver; theAngels I may compare to Gold, and the Children of Men to Silver ; and God rnakes the fame Image (asthe fame lmag* that is upon theGol°d, is upon theSilver)God makes the fame upon Man that is upon the Angels; the fame ImageofGod that mak es the F: ng:ls gloriousCreatures, doth ir'tke Man kind ro he glorious too in the fame Image ; and our Na- turesbe capableofthe very fame Imageo God that the Angels themfelves have ; and this is theexcellencyof Man, kind: Now i= is need- ful to thew the excellency orGod's image in man, that fo i .may flew youthe evtl,'ofSin ; in that it defaceth fuch an excellency ofman, and Cherfore it is more againfl the good ofmafrthan any afhiaioncan be: z Now the ImageofGodinMan is a glorious excellency.,, for it is that whereby, men.come to relent-