Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

xo tbe Evil of Evils, or the ifaman have common light, Chrifl enlightens that man ifamanhave laving light, Chriften- lightens that man with laving light : fo that the age ofGod wasquire defaced byone fin. Oh e evil and venom of fin, that one fin quite takes away the Image ofGod. xefá. But you will fay, Why is itnot fo now, fir in the Regenerate, there is the ImageofGod inpart renewedin them, andyet they commitmany flits ? how comes it to pal fiat quite defaceth not the Image of Godin theft it'generate, teat have it not perfeúy, r well ins the Image ofGod inman that had it perlelyat f4,0r. To this I anfwer : This is not from a- any reafonofwant of malignity in fin, for fin would do it; but becaufeof the ftrength that h in theCovenant ofGrace, that Godhath made n Chrift, hence Cod preferveth his Image in thofe that be Rcgenerate,notwithflanding they commit many fins : and it is a demonfiration of the infinite powerofGod, that netwithflanding there is fo many fins in thofe Regenerate, that yet there fliquld be preferved the Image of God inman, which was not in Adam : Becaufe God entred not into fuch a gracious Covenant withAdam toprefervehim, therefore God lea- ving.idasn toa common courfe of Providence, andhad todo with him in a Covenant ofworks, therfore Godleays that for finto do inhim,that it fhould not in us. But now there is more ftrength in theCovenant of Grace, and there - fore it is, that 'tis not every fin we commit that dothdeface the Image ofGod : but this is no thank