Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

THE CONTENTS. 7 Time(pent infin, loft. 8 The wicked, ufelefimembers. 9 Sinneedetb no debate whether to be done, ornot. 23 Chap. 5 There is moreEvil inthe leaJtfin, than in thegreareffofition ; Opened. nfix - Particulars, being' the general Scopeofthe wholeTrzeatifer 30 Chap. 6 Sinmolt.oppofateto god thectiiefeftgood, Opened in`Four "Heads : Sin molt oppofite to Cods Nature. 2 Sin oppofite in ¡Di' wort ng againft god. 3 Sin- wrongs god, more than any Thing efe. 4 Sin ftri.ke.r°at Cods Being. 3 3 Chap. 7 Sm in itfelfoppofate to god, fdin five thin.;'.r: I Nothing direly contrary to Cod butfan : 2 Cod wouldceafe tobe god, ifbut one drop of fin.in him: 3 Sin rooppofite to god, that he ceafe tobe Cod, froedid but caul& fin to be m another : 4 HePomid ceafe tobe Cod,ifhedidbut approve it in others : 5 ,Sin wouldcaul 'Cod ro ceafe to be, if he did not hate finis much as he doth. 3 5 Chap. 8 The workings of' fn h alivayes againft god. TheScripture cals it, i'Enmity. 2. Walkng con- trary. 3 Fighting. 4 Wilting. $ Striving. 6'1 îfng againft god. 41 Chap. 9 How fin refaf 'Cod : , I It's ,a hating of god. a It's rebellionagainft Clod. 3 It's adejpifng of Dodo 42 Chap. I.o Sin isetfard ingagairaft g'ocl. I The(in- ner wiped; godwere notfo `Holy, duc. 2 Itfeekthe de- nationofgod. .Alfofin isawrongingof god. 5o Chap..ii: 'Nowlinwrongyod : I inhis.Attributes. z %elation.of Father, Son, and Moly. ghoft. 3; `His Counfels. - 4 ln theEndfor whichgodbathdone all be bath done. And Fiat, Sin wrong gods .Attributes: Flis.Allfuffìciency,fbevoed inTwo Particulars. 2. It wrong his Omniprefence,. and Omnifciency. 3 -. Sin "Wrong his , Wifdom.. q.. Wrong his `Holinef3. S Sin wrong god, inPetting mansWill abovegods. 6 Sin wrong gods 'Dominion. 7 Sin wrong. Cods 7uftice. 8 Sin wronggod inhss.Truth. 57 Chap.