Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

ZJr6rrG'f77sg 43ilvhiasc" fv..__ the fame life; but thole that live the fame life be fitteftfor converfe. So ifman did not live the fame life God doth, he could not converfe with God b Bence wicked and ungodly men cannot converfe with God,becaufe they live not the fame life ofGod Whenyou talkofconver- fngwith God, it is a riddle tomany men ; why ? becaufe they are ftrangers to the Life of God) they have nothingof the Life of God in them, but it is firange to them ; therfore they cannot converfe with God. But now that which firikes at this Life, and is the deathofthe foul, is fin ( for fin is the death ofthe Soul) therefore Ephef. 2. beginning, You be dead in trefa (s and fns, fin brings death , he means not a bodily death, though that be a truth, but there is this death, the L ife ofGod is gone : all men by na turehave theLife ofGod gone ; and if ever it be renewed, it is by a mighty work ofGods Spi- rit : but fin firikes at the Life of God in us, at this Candle of the Lord in this Earthen Pit cher. 2 Again, The excellency oftheLife ofGod will confif in this, as to make a man converfe withhim, fo in this, That Godme needs take infi- nite delight in the fortis of thofe t' at live his lfe as before in looking upon his Image, now much more when hecan feehis Creatures work as he himfelf works : this is the delight ofGod to fee his Creatures work ju(f as himfelf. As a man takes delight to fee hisPi&ute, but abundantly more to look upon himfel fin his Child, and to fee his life in his Child that comes fromhim, t ;: Aa2 fee