Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Ext:eeding sin itnei of sin: tal; as thofe that be mortal. If a Phyfitian corne and tell one, youm11ft endure pain, but be ofgood cheer, your life is Cure ; this com- forts him : but take a Difeafe that he feels no pain of, it may be the fence ofpain is gone, but ifthe Phyfitian come and tell him, Oh you be dangeroufly ill, becaufe your diftemper is like to prove mort al ; we account that without pain that ftr.ikes at life, more than that with a great deal of pain that doth not ftrike at life: skinfir skin, andall that a roanbath' will hegive for he life. Now that which ftrikes at the higheít life, eventhe life ofGod, and makes the Crea- ture appear fovile before God, as certainly fin makes the Creature more vile than any dead Carrion that liesftinking:in a ditch; fin is more vile in Gods eyes than any dead Dog on the Dunghil is inyourEyes. This is the third Par- ticular, Howfinis molt oppofite to mansgood more than atlfietion; therefore aman were bet. ter bear thegreateft afiliftion, than commit the leaft fìn, becaufeafAiftion never ftrikes at the life ofGod : nay,many livenot the life of God fogloriouflyas theydo inatfliftion; many feem tohave their heartsdead in timesofprofperity, but when ali&ions come then they; maraca' a glorious life ofGod. AMMIAAIMAAMAMMIAMAA CIi`Aá.