Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding Sinfulnefs of sin. ad r end, ifever it be attained, Mall beworth all his coil, and fkill, and pains. For a wife man tobe- flow much coif, fkill, and pains upon a mean thing, is abfurd and ridiculous; And nowife man but if he bellowmtich coif andpains, and manifefi much fkill, but hewill be lure it flail be for that, which ifheattain to thatheaims at it (hall be worth all. If a man be at a greatdeal ofCharge in a Voyage, he aims at fuch anend as may be worth his Charge : So when God above all things layes out hiswifdom, power, and liter cy,& goodnefs,& faithfulnefs 5 and Pets at work all his Counfels to be laid otit upon fuch a bufi- nefs, as toget man to attain to his lall end; then certainlymans end and happinefsmuff be worth it all. And it mull needs bea glorious thing,God intends for theChildren ofmen tomake them happywithal, when the great CounfelsofGod, and wayes of Godswifdom andpower be fo a- bout this bufinetsof bringingman to happinefs. Now if therebe fuch a glorious happinefs for mankind, then that which is moll oppofite to this great happinefs,muff be very evil. Now fin direlyoppofethmans happinefs, the end man was made for : and thus you fee the evil of fin. When Godcomes to awaken mans Confcience, and inlightenmans Soul to fee how fin croflèth their happinefs more than any affliction, they will chufe rather tobeunder thegreatefiafihi?ia on, than the leaff fin. Objeft.. I but it nny be yonwill fay it Both notJ cry"mans happineß, but that he may come to be happie firallfin? Bb Anfzr.