Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

The Evil of Evils, or the /44iv. I Anfwer, Of its ownnature it direEly croii:th mans happinefs quite undoesman and if Godby his Power fetch it about another way, this is no thank torn, but to God. bAAA.At'A`. cJ; c5.ctiCi v tx ! CHA P. XXVIII. Fifthly,sin ismore oppofteto mans goodthan 4ifiai- on , becaitfe.tisadeflementofthesod. i, It.de ks alla manmedleth with. 2 sin is the :natter the rmjballgnaw ripou toalleterni -ty. Ifthly, Theevil ofSiaagainf ar mailsgood ap:peareth.in this, &that it is thedefilement andcorruptionof ,the Son!, a rottenneß in the sod . At.i ion is not the filthand corruptionof theSoul, the Soul may beas clear from filthand corruption, rotwithianding AfhiCtion, as it was beforeman finned. Sing it is the rottennefs of, theSoul, and therefore fuck a kind of defile- ment, As, i it defilesail things aman mediawithal,andal his atiions ; it makes a manvile, anddefiles every thing that comesfromhim. To theunclean all things are unclean and impure, rit. i. 15. It defiles the Creature and every thing he hath todo withal, and every thing he medics withal. 2 And efpecially it appearethin this, Thatit. s no other than thematter for.theworm to breed : in that hall.