Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exeeeding Sinjttlneß of Sin. 265 his face, this endangers not the lifeofthe body, but when there is corruption within, anddefile ment ofthe Bodywithin, that breeds difeafes, and will breed worms,itmay be it wil breed the wolf that lies gnawingat their breafts;niany wo- men have had it in their brea11s that lies gnaw ing upan their flat : but know, your fins breed another manner ofworm or. wolfthat will gnaw worte than ex er tha* did. And this is the evil offin, it is not onlythe defilement of the foul, but fuch a defilement that breeds fuch a worm that will gnawupon conference to all eternity. *0.1AffA t `tAttt i4`4101V`i4.44 CHAP. XXIX. Sixtly, Sin is more opposite tomansgoodthan afflieli on, becau(i fiis the objeaofGods hatred; but God hateth not anyfor affliltion. Slxtly, Sin is theonly objea ofthe hatredofCod, nothing is the objet ofGods hatréd butfin : Goddoth not hate a man or a woman be- caufe they arepoor, God may love them as wel as anyMonarch or Prince in the world, though they bepoor : God hates not a man becaufe he is fick, youhate not your Children becaufe they befekor weak : all theallli&ions in the world make not aman an objekof Gods batted, but fin doth : mark that expreffion in Scripture) Pfalm, 5.5. ?loe FeoljbrtiJnet f andin thy fight, that i Lae.., r