Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding Sinfaln$ .e, fSin.. Gods hatred, but there comes in the blood of ChriftD and the purcháfe ofhis blood procures peace betweenGod and man ; but I fpeak ofit in its own Nature; and thofe that God looks upon in a finful condition, he cannot lookupon them but he hates them. Now that which makes a man the object of Gods hatred, mutt needs be very evil ; as thus, when any affeCtion runs in one Current , it mull needs run very firongly 5 as in the Sea,fuppofe there were ma- ny Arms andRivers tobreak the firengthofthe ?Current, it would not run fo powerfully ; but 'when there is but one Current, the Current of. theOcean there runs very. ftrongly. So in the Affections; when theAt-fe?cians be only let up- on oneobje&, then they be firon,g: when Love s fcattered upon this and the other .thing, then, 'tis not firong, but when it is uponone, then it is firong. WhenParents have manyChildren, and they love this and this, then it may be they lovenot any fo ft.r-ong y5 but when they have but one there is great love. Soin.hatred,where there is ahatredofmany, there is not fo much hatred againft one ; but where it runs in one Current only, there it is firong. So here, there is no object that Gods hatred runs out againfi but only fin, therefore thehatredmuftneeds be verypowerful. Oh for amanor woman to live to be the object of the hatred of the eternal God, how dreadful anevil is this ! Wedelire to be beloved where we are, of every one; what a fad thing is it to live in a Family, or a Town, andno body love them : mendelire to bebelo' - ved