Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding sinfulnef3 ofSin. 116A414 *6 21 CPI AP. XXX. Seventhly, Sin k more oppeite to mans good than Aflí(.fion, becaufein bringsguilt upon thefoul. Eventhly, There is moreevil in fin than in aflliìion, Becaufe fin kmore oppofite againfl our amngoadthanofiUion, and that in this feverith refpeF, Sin brings guilt upon thefoul, it makesthe Creatureflandguilty in tiepreinee ofGod : Nowguilt uponthe foul is a greater evil than any affiicion can be : that is the thing I amnow toopen. Guilt, what is that ? it is the binding over of the sinner to Gods Juftice, and to the Law, to anfwer, and be liable unto what the Law requires as punishment due to the firmer : fo that then for a Creatureto nand boundOver toGods infinite Jufi'ice;and theLaw, bath nitre evil in it againnmans good than all the afíiidi- ons andmiferies in theworld; this is the thing I am to make good. A firmer goeth up and down with thechains ofguilt upon him ; Iron chains grating upon the fore fiefhofa man, is not fo t.edious and grievous as the chains ofguilt upon conscience. Certainly this is one ofjecial reafonwhymany wickedmen and women are fo froward as they are, becaufe theyhivemuch guilt. upon their fpirits that as Iron chains wotildgrate theraw"flefh fo doth that guilt lie Cc upon 269