Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

.Exceeding sìnfu!nefs' ofSin. grace andperfecutions are not fo terribleas this, that I am in fucha condition that I cannot look up to God, nor think uponGod without havng the thoughtsof his Malefry tobe terrible tome Aguilty Confcience cannot endure to have a thought ofGod, it isterrible to him, and there- fore he labors by going into company, and fports, and butincfs in the world, to take offthe thàughts ofGod, becaufethe thoughts ofGod peirce hisheart. And fo theprefence of Cod is very terrible where guilt is upon theConfci- ence, and the Confcienceof fuch a one cannot endure to come into Gods`preience; nor into the Communion of Saints whereGods prefence is. And he cannot endure to pray, the thoughts of that ffrike his Heart; togo alone topray, the prefence ofGod when alone is e::tream terrible. And this is a fader condition than tobeunder a- nyaffli&ion: betterbe underanyaffliction than in fucha cafe,asthat theprefenceofGod isterrible: theprefence ofGod in Prayer, and fo the pre- fence of Cod inhis Word; Oh the Word is ter- rible to fuch a one, the WordofGod fpeaks no- thing but terror fo long as guilt remains upon the Confcience. This is worfe than Atliiction that that Word which is a treafureoffweetnefs, and goodnefs,andcomfort to thofe that are gra- cious and godly, thould be tilled with terror to the foul ofone that is full ofguilt. Yea, to fuch a oneall the wayes of Gods Providence are full of terror ; if there be any judgment of God a- broad, Ohthe terror that this brings uponhis. foul. Brethren, Sin is committed quickly, you have) 273